+2 and on the rise
I'm pretty badly hung over and ran errands this morning in some places that were pretty unpleasant from a sensory perspective, but I powered through it. The only real rough part was I went to Best Buy and almost had a meltdown due to chaos and nobody willing to help me (and melting down is something that, for me, is exceedingly rare) and didn't even buy anything. BUT in my travels, among other things, I bought myself a new charcoal grill/smoker and a bunch of food, and will be setting a barbecue off with a couple friends here pretty soon. Got a bunch of high-end microbrews and imports and I'm going to get ripped and eat a mountain of ribs. Things are looking up.
I know I made them a promise but those are just words, and words can get weird.
I think they made themselves perfectly clear.