I’ve noticed something about society lately, (well, men) and it’s the fact that a certain section of them all share the same attitude.
Men who are over thirty, middle to lower working class, fat and balding, with a boring house, a boring wife and a boring car. The only things they discuss are family, football and booze, and they frequent curry houses on Saturday nights, despite being borderline racist.
They like everyone to know their views on every subject – the type that will give an answer without knowing what the question was. They are extrovert, like the sound of their own voices, and think they have the right to judge everyone else without looking in a mirror first.
And the best thing they do is tell others how to live their lives i.e. how to end up just like them. Their very good at discouraging their kid’s dreams, and taking the piss out of everything and everyone, unless of course it’s themselves.
Argh, I don’t know. I really needed to rant tonight, after sitting next to these types of plebs for a good hour. I don’t know if this is the typical NT bloke, but if it is, I think I’d rather join a nunnery!! !