- with rant *Swear warning*
With some people, having a different perspective equals offense. I am far from being the only one who is tired of that.
Apparently, I'm also a "mood case", even when I don't try alot lately! I'm always this little lable or that little label. If I really am reasonably upset and angry, believe me you'll know, because I right out tell you.
How many times do I need to have that "you feel this way" suggested by just about everybody, even my closest humans, when it's NOT HOW I FEEL?! I can't clench my fist, or wince without "Now now, calm down. No need for drama."
(so insulting) No right feel feelings is more like it!
I know I'm not the only one who gets this. If I was, I'm pretty sure I'd be alone in my 'unacceptible' symptoms.
I am very tired of this invalidating enviroment I live in! I want out oh so bad, but people won't help me, and brush me off usualy. I don't know what I am capable of doing, because people do NOT compliment me on any skill. All my life it's been mostly zero compliment and 99% "I wish she was like this other child".
At home, at a store, at church, it's like people want me to be completly someone else, or I'm a "b***h". Yes, I'm supposedly "cold" and "bitchy" for being quiet and to myself. I have been getting alot of this "Your'e like this" lately, and it's really starting to piss me off. If I became the new president, made peace between jews and muslums, and stop hunger in one day, nobody would care, so why do I HAVE to keep trying for them, "or else"? -.- My enviroment is like "The stepford Droid" way. Step a pintch out of their line, you "need to get fixed".
f*****g human cow herd. #$% herd, culture rules. $% #@$#@$% @$%@ $#%! !
I want to live alone, and far away from social controling, untrue labels and force! I am just so dam tired