47x wrote:
So, I've come to the conclusion that I have to die. Right now I have things to take care of, but when those things are done. I will go through with it.
Don't. Please don't. Nobody has to die, and neither do you.
My boyfriend's little sister is a b***h. Stubborn, rude, conventional to the extreme and childish beyond belief. To imagine she'll be my sister in law gives me the shivers. I wish somebody would put her in her place sometime and slap her. Normally, I don't support physical violence, but the way she sticks her fingers in her ears and shouts "LALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" and insults whoever presents a different opinion to hers makes my blood boil. If she rants to me one more time about how translating isn't a real job, I might lose my temper and go all Mr Hyde on her.