^ I hope you get through that retch nonsence soon. You should nick name them "Spite phone company".
I got a call today from the other side of two states, telling me if I am interested in an interview for baker for a grocery store. (I didn't think they would call, but was ready for it anyway) Naturaly, my mother explains I need to stay here, and it's my sister's birthday week anyhow. Nice timeing. She cussed in the kitchen for a few minutes, saying how it sucks that people hire elsewhere, and not my location. If I went, I would not only possibly fail the interview, I would proove my sister and father's points that I care more about the money, which I DON'T! I don't want money to be my reason to visit them. My luck has been just retched this month!
Oh, and the place that had that snott that told me the wrong time over 5 times is going to try rehireing this tuesday!
"We follow a strict, prophessional guide line."
Heh, mhmmm..