0 Today sucked. Most of what happened was dissapointing.
Someone in World of Warcraft was a big fat prick today. I nick named the idiot '////munch'. For no reason, he told me to "eat s**t", and couldn't make up his stupid mind whether to stay or leave the raid party. That wasn't enough for him, he wanted to be an jerk to the raid leader, and remove him from the group over and over.
Then again, I have no proof he was being the prick that kept kicking people, but that doesn't excuse his personal attacks, and potent, unwarrented, vulgar language!
It did stop after I, myself, kicked him out twice. Naturaly, we all get a lovely punch in the eye, by looseing against the Undercity queen, AGAIN. Before he stayed out, he was like this "(my character name) if I knew where you lived, I'd bash your face in. bark bark"
"You first, sir munch! Gave you the location of a store parking lot..... Pick a time!"