RainSong wrote:
zen_mistress wrote:
RainSong wrote:
zen_mistress wrote:
That is one huge cat.
I immediately assumed that was a reference to the book
Love Sucks (though the quote might be one word off; I'd have to get my copy to be certain) and was about to write a couple of paragraphs about how I found
Lamb of God to be the author's best book by far, but that the former had some good points. Then I was going to say that I hoped he'd write a sequel dealing solely with Chet the huge cat, because there were interesting possibilities there that were not present when it was about humans, no matter how odd those humans may be.
Then I looked up and realized that no, the avatar above your post was of a huge cat.
Anyway, 10. Good and happy. Oddly sleepy, but that's ok.
Lol. Just as well you didnt, as I have no idea what those books are. Then again, Ive just got back from the library and I'm always looking for book recommendations, so maybe it would have been a good thing..

It really depends on what type of book you like. Unless you like a fairly crude form of humor, I definitely wouldn't recommend
Love Sucks. I find
Lamb of God to be a good deal funnier, but it's somewhat offensive if you're devoutly religious (well, that and prone to get upset about such things), I suppose. If you tell me what type of book you like, I'd be happy to give book recommendations; I read a ton, and it's something I enjoy doing.
I hope the weather warms up for you.
Anyway, 10 still.
Ok, I will try and have a look for Love Sucks and Lamb of God at the library next time. I am not religious so unlikely to be offended by it.
Book recommendations would be welcome, though possibly wasted on me as I have a terrible attention span and I often don't read books i get out...
As for the weather, it will only be getting colder, with perhaps snow in 2 weeks....
"Caravan is the name of my history, and my life an extraordinary adventure."
~ Amin Maalouf
Taking a break.