I'm sure if I sat back and thought about it, it would be lower.
I'll go with -1 or so.
Good: I have relatives from far away coming here soon. I really like seeing them.
Bad: They are staying at my grandparents house. I don't get along with my grandfather, who sees me as a overgrown baby and spoiled brat. He meanwhile is very much a traditional male head of the household: authoritarian, demands respect, always right (even when he isn't), racist, his strong work ethic makes him believe everyone else is lazy.
Good: My birthday is next week. I'm going to Boston for the day, see a Red Sox game.
Bad: My birthday party is at my grandparents house. Spend more time with my grandfather the as*hole.
Good: I've been getting more work with my part time job this week.
Bad: I still need a full time job, because I'm bored a lot lately and running low on the bank account.