Mine is:
I cam up with that when I turned 30 last year. That is because in my 20's I had numerous medical health problems, including 2 major surgeries, bouts with nervous breakdowns, and a terrible life. When I turned 30, when I decided that I want to take back my life and go back to school, leave the group home, and live a regular life that everyone else has, I came up with that. The reason also because when I was 19-20, I was trying to get a successful life, but things happened. throughout my 20's, the second I wanted to leave the group home and live a normal life, I developed medical health problems that got in the way. So, at 30, i am going back to school, but still having health problems, so I am hoping for the best success and preparing for the worst if my medical health problems gets worse. But this time i am prepared and will not let my health or anything else get in the way of my success. i even know now to not involve my family or group home in my problems, that way they do not get health problems confused with being stupid.