Stinkypuppy wrote:
Is that something that you need to practice with your parents in the car? Or at least do it with somebody without so much of a vested interest in your success as your parents? That'll take a lot of the pressure load off you while still enabling you to practice and learn how to drive better.
I think it just makes the pressure worse. They don't understand that they get me stressed out no matter what they do. But they can care less about my Asperger's because they feel what they are doing is right.
Before when I used to have extreme outburst, they will yell at me saying that they don't care and I'm ruining their marrage.
Did I mention that they've never had kids before, so that makes things even worse. They look at me as an immature disabled adult which is kind of harsh. They've never said it as that but that's how I feel they look at me and I look back at them as mean, Judgemental jerks.
Though I hate to talk bad about them because they do provide me survival wise, it's their personalities that I can't get along with. And I bet that they feel the same way about me.