michillimackinac wrote:
Recently, several years after achieving the legal age limit, I attempted to get my driver's license. I was required to submit to a review by the state medical board. I passed examinations by two doctors. At the interview, I mentioned in passing that I had Asperger's, and talked about a couple of difficulties it caused for me. Those idiots completely ignored the recommendations of my doctors and denied my license...based on the fact that I have Asperger's. I didn't even provide any sort of official diagnosis document. I just said that I had it.
Oh, well, I guess I should have known they would listen to me, considering I have dual degrees in psychiatry and neurology and am currently the dean of Johns Hopkins. Oh, wait, no...I'm just a college student!
You poor thing! These people are morons. I have asperger's and let me tell you, there are likely twice as many bad NT drivers out there, I gotten mildly bruised twice form NT's. Asperger's is no excuse. I hope you stand up for yourself, because that is just discriminatory and unprofessional.
(and yes sorry if I'm a late poster, this is my first time on this site)