KenM wrote:
I was raised catholic. I was taught that if you pray to help people, not for personel gain, God will answer those prayers because you are praying to help others.
My Dad was very sick when I was 9. He was recovering from heart surgery. So I prayed very hard to God to help my Dad get better.
One week later my Dad was dead.
I thought if you pray to help people, God would answer those prayers, not do the total oppisite of what you asked Him for.
Since then I have not prayed much if at all. God screwed me. Praying is a total waste of time.
Until God comes down and tells me why he let my dad die, gave me AS so i would not have anyone special in my life, and why he gave me dietbaties I want nothing to do with God.
and i can relate to that also, but in my case - it is WHY did i end up with learning disabilities, WHY did i end up with emotional disabilities, WHY did i end up with epilepsy, WHY did i end up with aspies, and last of all - WHY did you not cause my mom to have a miscarriage to spare me of all this???