mjs82 wrote:
This might start some outrage so I'm just saying it's only applicable to myself, but when I was feeling this way 4 years ago I started doing some far out things, like I spent a day with a homeless man - who I thought was psychotic and could kill me - and we ended up talking about life etc and he told me about his family and what happened to his children and we kind of had this mutual healing, he actually got to the point where he booked in for rehab. I gave him $1500 to restart his life which was alot of money at the time for meand from what I've heard he's turned a corner and went back to tafe (school).
There was some other stuff, but most of it I was just putting myself out into danger. I had this idea that if I was going to die, I was going to die doing something important rather than locked away by myself but in the process I met these people and had this little episodes and found that I was actually living for a change, that I was out there experiencing life and it made me value it so much.
I'm surprised nobody made more of this. I did some similar things when I was thinking of suicide - not giving away money (didn't have any) or hanging out with the homeless, but same idea. I walked a lot of train tracks (just to explore, not to get hit by a train), checked out neighborhoods on the bus I never went to before, ate in some new restaurants, some slightly riskier things I won't go into. But the gist of it is, since suicide is permanent and suffering in this life might not be, try EVERYTHING else first, even weird or dangerous things. What happened to mjs82 happened to me as well - the odd, new things I had seen and done gave me a bit of a new perspective. They were even kind of fun, a little bit. And noticing that they were fun led to realizing it was still possible to enjoy being alive, even if the enjoyment was mild or fleeting and easily interrupted by pain and depression.
Some other people listed some logical downsides to suicide already: hurting your loved ones, how it'll suck if you don't die but only get seriously mangled, etc. But the one I would reiterate the loudest is, it doesn't solve all of your problems, just the need to deal with them. If I had killed myself over depression about being an old virgin, I would have died a virgin - problem not solved, just avoided forever. I hung around and managed to solve that problem for real. Maybe I can do the same for my other problems, despite the recurrence of poverty, depression, etc.
I have my days, don't get me wrong. I sleep a lot and love sleeping and going to bed and going back to bed, and death sometimes sounds tempting in the sense of going to sleep and never waking up to face more BS. But each time I skipped suicide and hung around another year or two, I had some interesting and worthwhile experiences.
On an entirely different note, I found a way for hatred to keep me alive. I live next door to some worthless s**theads, intolerable white trash who keep f*****g with me, and we've almost gotten in fistfights. Whenever I think of suicide now I realize what a travesty that would be if I offed myself while those walking, talking cockroaches continued to waste oxygen and other resources. I need to outlive them so I can piss on their graves.