Willard wrote:
zee wrote:
Do you WANT a drivers license? There are Aspies who drive, although it is definately more of a challenge.
That's a
myth. Driving is a piece of cake. It only requires
practice and
desire. The one most Aspies lack that I see here on WP is the
desire. I didn't have it when I turned driving age, either, I preferred to let someone else drive, while I hung my head out the window like a dog. But once I decided I wanted my own wheels, I got interested and learned. Still not my favorite pastime, but just one of those things you gotta do sooner or later. And my record is impeccable.
Driving requires much more than practice and desire! Yes, Aspies can learn, but it's much more than practice (unless you're driving the same route everyday!)
There's a lot of thinking and decision making involved in real-time; you often have to make split-second decisions... plus the biggest challenge (for me anyway), concentrating on the rules of the road while at the same time remembering where I'm going, what exits to take, what lanes to be in. In other words, having to focus on more than one thing while in a stressful situation.
Depends on what kind of car you drive, too... An automatic is much easier, of course.