I Dont like this generation.

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Snowy Owl
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29 Jun 2010, 10:59 am

I could fill a whole page with my thoughts on today's "speshul snowflake yoofs" or just "today's yoofs" in general. :x


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29 Jun 2010, 11:22 am

Asp-Z wrote:
These things are NOT NEW. The technology may be, but the behavior itself sure as hell isn't. If your parents, or even your grandparents, tell you that they didn't want whatever the latest thing was when they were teenagers, and that people didn't used to be greedy, they are big fat liars.

Every generation is like that.


I am of your parents' generation and back in my day we certainly did not crave the latest gadget and want more, more, more of everything.

Oh wait a minute. Yes we did. :oops: You are absolutely right. Back in my day the new technology we all had to get our hands on was CDs and this new thing called the video game (Pong. You young people would die of boredom playing it.) We wanted more CDs. More MORE MORE. We wanted all the latest, coolest clothes, which back then were bomber jackets and running shoes.

Were we a new special breed of gadget crazy greedy people? I asked my mom. Back in her day, the spoiled new generation wanted the latest gadget- a record player so compact you could actually put it on your desk in your bedroom and listen to your just released Elvis Presley records while your mean old parents yelled through the door. Those mean old parents knew a thing or two about not being greedy and not having the latest gadget. They grew up during the Depression. What caused the Depression? Some say it was the greed of the go-go 1920's.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

Long story short, I agree with you. This rant has appeared with comical regularity back into the mists of time.


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29 Jun 2010, 1:08 pm

pezar wrote:

That's why employers are frantically moving jobs overseas, because Johnny will call mommy if he gets a poor performance review, and he thinks it's rude to interrupt him while being social and asking him to, you know, WORK. America is no longer a nation where we can pay people for doing nothing but being social, we did it for a while on cheap Chinese credit but that's gone now.


No. They are frantically moving jobs overseas to countries with no OSHA, EPA or minimum wage.


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29 Jun 2010, 3:17 pm

I agree with the OP. I am old-school myself. I can´t stand when someone starts talking about his new cell-phone. Really? Don´t you have anything more interesting to talk about!? My cellular phone is the oldest generation possible. I use a cellular phone until it literally falls apart. And most of the time my cell phone is turned off. I´m doing things too important to be disturbed like studying in my house or at the library. I need to focus on what I am studying. However, cellular phones are useful when you want to go out and you have to coordinate with your friends where you are going. I also used once the cell phone to access the internet and to look for an address when I was on the street.

Also most of my friends have I Pods and download music from the internet but I prefer buying CDs. However, I also download music from the internet. And then if I like it I buy the CD. :)

Sites like Facebook are useful to re encounter old friends like people from high-school. Then you can meet then in the real life.

This discussion reminded me of the author Ray Kurzweil who writes that technology grows exponentially that is at an ever increasing rate. When my father was 20 years old if you wanted to use a computer you had to learn to operte punch cards for an IBM mainframe. No one believed there would be PCs.

I am like Maxwell Smart in "Get Smart" writting over detailed reports that no one will ever care to read.

Well I guess you can say I am a "dinosaur"! :)

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29 Jun 2010, 5:14 pm

Janissy wrote:
pezar wrote:

That's why employers are frantically moving jobs overseas, because Johnny will call mommy if he gets a poor performance review, and he thinks it's rude to interrupt him while being social and asking him to, you know, WORK. America is no longer a nation where we can pay people for doing nothing but being social, we did it for a while on cheap Chinese credit but that's gone now.


No. They are frantically moving jobs overseas to countries with no OSHA, EPA or minimum wage.

So true. ^

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29 Jun 2010, 9:24 pm

Yep, I agree with this too. I actually started thinking about it when I started working for a fast food restaurant. That, to me (especially the drive-through) is the prime example of "instant gratification syndrome." I have had (supposed) adults act like TOTAL jerks because I was "taking too long" to repeat their order, take their payment and get their change, while taking the next several orders at the same time. (The longest I took was 1-2 minutes--no joke. Not complaining here--it just seemed like a good example.)

I prefer texting to talking on the cell phone because I have trouble hearing on the phone (landline or cell, though cell is worse). I like e-mail for the same reason. Also, both methods are less intrusive, IMO, than phone calls--I can choose to answer now, later, or never.

Everything else--I've never used Facebook, Myspace or Twitter, and have no intention of doing so. What REALLY drives me nuts is that all of the cable news stations now say "Find us on Facebook!" I don't know why I find that so annoying.

It took me forever to decide to join WP--I was browsing this site for years beforehand. Granted, coming here was a GOOD decision. :D

I read articles on the Internet but still prefer real books (though I do use Amazon to order them whenever possible).

My cell phone can make and receive calls and text. I don't like the ones with all the "bells and whistles." It's something about becoming too dependent on technology. What would people do if their toys were taken away?

pezar wrote:
This is an ACTUAL post from a nearby Craigslist rants and raves board where people whining about unemployment checks running out has been the hot topic. This is an entire CITY! Scary! This is the future, people, so don't wonder why you have no job even though you are uuuuuuber special. The name of the city has been deleted.

The Whole Unemployment Thing (X)
Date: 2010-06-28, 11:33AM PDT
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The problem in X County is not so much the unemployment rate, it is the fact there are no qualified candidates to fill the plethora of managerial positions. Point-in-fact: As the Hiring Manager for a major retailer I am simply flabbergasted by the applications that come across my desk. Things have gotten so bad that we have now been instructed to have job fairs in the (XX, nearby metro area) area in order to compile a roster of candidates to interview for our openings in the greater X area. Of course our company pays all moving and relocation expenses. It seems (generally speaking) that this area is made up of functional illiterates. Most applications are filled out wrong; spelling is abhorant; background checks result in "red alerts" and it is never a good idea to go into a store looking for a job dressed as of you're heading for a day at the beach and calling the manager "dude." Matter-of-fact, some Hiring Managers have even gone so far as to instruct stores not to post "Now Hiring" signs and stop taking applications and have decided to simply recruit from other businesses and areas. Also of interest, many companies now include IP Address checks in their background investigation and in many cases that will exclude an applicant.

"Dude, I'm so uuuuuber special that I live in a slum with my three kids by three different men and spend all my money on STUFF I really NEED rather than on food for me and the kids! How DARE they not hire me/cut my welfare?" I want to move to Brazil. Anybody willing to sponsor an immigrant?

AspieCartoonist wrote:
I could fill a whole page with my thoughts on today's "speshul snowflake yoofs" or just "today's yoofs" in general. :x

Have any of you seen the movie IDIOCRACY? Also scary...very. 8O

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30 Jun 2010, 5:54 pm

I got fired from every fastfood place in the
old city I used to live in.

They had a problem with my reactions to
mean customers.

I don't know why they had a problem with
it, it isn't like a I sweared at them or
caled them names, I just cried and ran
away is all.

Well, thats life I guess.

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30 Jun 2010, 8:56 pm

Have any of you seen the movie IDIOCRACY? Also scary...very.

Yeah, I love that movie. Most of the people doing the breeding these days seem to be the incredibly idiotic kind.
Most of reality TV these days can't be said to be much better than the show "Ouch my balls".
And a giant costco with lawyers and doctors isn't too much of a stretch. 8O

The argument "every generation does that" isn't a good one. As I mentioned earlier, the book "The Narcisism Epidemic" is about how our culture has changed significantly in the past few decades. It provides lots of scientific data showing people are more superficial, arrogant, and obsessed with things. Sure, every generation of kids wants something to be popular. But we have taken it to AN ENTIRE NEW LEVEL.

I got fired from every fastfood place in the
old city I used to live in.

They had a problem with my reactions to
mean customers.

I don't know why they had a problem with
it, it isn't like a I sweared at them or
caled them names, I just cried and ran
away is all.

Ditto. Fired from so many fast food places. It's very difficult to deal with jerk customers who blame everything on you, and keep a smile on your face, while your feet ache and you have grease burns. You have to act like you LOVE serving the jerks like a slave. If you can't act bubbly, you're gone. At least as a cashier. I hated making burgers even more. They time you and complain when you are like 3 seconds behind.



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30 Jun 2010, 9:34 pm

NearlyaHuman wrote:

I got fired from every fastfood place in the
old city I used to live in.

They had a problem with my reactions to
mean customers.

I don't know why they had a problem with
it, it isn't like a I sweared at them or
caled them names, I just cried and ran
away is all.

Ditto. Fired from so many fast food places. It's very difficult to deal with jerk customers who blame everything on you, and keep a smile on your face, while your feet ache and you have grease burns. You have to act like you LOVE serving the jerks like a slave. If you can't act bubbly, you're gone. At least as a cashier. I hated making burgers even more. They time you and complain when you are like 3 seconds behind.

That's why I refuse to be on the food line. They're always telling me to slow the customers down at the window so they won't be behind when preparing the orders. Uh, news flash, guys, THEY DON'T LIKE THAT! I've had people drive off without their change because they got impatient (and I don't mean a few cents here--I mean more than $6.00 :?: :!: :?: )

I've learned how to go into "automatic pilot" mode while I'm at the window. Someone else (I'm sure she's NT) told me that's the right way to cope. 8)

I'm going to try and find that book. Thanks!

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01 Jul 2010, 1:08 pm

NearlyaHuman wrote:
[The argument "every generation does that" isn't a good one. As I mentioned earlier, the book "The Narcisism Epidemic" is about how our culture has changed significantly in the past few decades. It provides lots of scientific data showing people are more superficial, arrogant, and obsessed with things. Sure, every generation of kids wants something to be popular. But we have taken it to AN ENTIRE NEW LEVEL.


Not only does every generation do this, apparently every generation writes a virtually identical book about it. At the end of the 70's, my parents brought home the predecessor to the book you are reading. It was called "Culture of Narcisissism: American Life in the Age of Declining Expectations" by Christopher Lasch. I devoured that book in probably the same frame of mind you are currently in- meaning that I honestly believed the author was on to something new. (Published in 1978- when I read it it was perhaps a little later, maybe early 80's. Revised in 1991). It made literally the exact same arguments as the book you are currently reading.

Don't believe the hype. Complaining about "kids these days" in written form is as old as Plato.


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01 Jul 2010, 2:26 pm

Janissy wrote:
NearlyaHuman wrote:
[The argument "every generation does that" isn't a good one. As I mentioned earlier, the book "The Narcisism Epidemic" is about how our culture has changed significantly in the past few decades. It provides lots of scientific data showing people are more superficial, arrogant, and obsessed with things. Sure, every generation of kids wants something to be popular. But we have taken it to AN ENTIRE NEW LEVEL.


Not only does every generation do this, apparently every generation writes a virtually identical book about it. At the end of the 70's, my parents brought home the predecessor to the book you are reading. It was called "Culture of Narcisissism: American Life in the Age of Declining Expectations" by Christopher Lasch. I devoured that book in probably the same frame of mind you are currently in- meaning that I honestly believed the author was on to something new. (Published in 1978- when I read it it was perhaps a little later, maybe early 80's. Revised in 1991). It made literally the exact same arguments as the book you are currently reading.

Don't believe the hype. Complaining about "kids these days" in written form is as old as Plato.

Um, maybe you should read the book before making judgement on it.
That old book was referenced in this new book. It mentioned the beginning of this "epidemic" was in the 70's. A cultural shift that began in the 1950's. just because the last 40 years have begun getting more narcissistic, doesn't follow that "every generation is like that." Thats not logical at all.

It's just that things have become progressively worse.
If you don't believe me, try reading the book first and then disputing all of that.

-There is a significant rise in plastic surgery, backed by data. More people spend more on plastic surgery than on education.
-Things like botox and teeth whitening and tanning are now very commonplace- they weren't 20 years ago.
-Huge rise in celebrity worship, celeb shows and magazines, reality tv.
-Most music on the radio now has lyrics about "beating up b*****s", "buying gucci", and "using men for money"- a big difference from the lyrics of the past.
-Spending on luxury items is up, donating to charity is down
-Much more credit card debt for "shopping sprees" and "must have lifestyles".

If this sort of behaviour started in Platos day, we would have already totally f'ed up the entire planet.
It's a good thing the greek and roman empires collapsed.
Every generation changes, yes. Small changes in art, and fashion. But people are less community oriented now, than ever before.


Snowy Owl
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01 Jul 2010, 3:48 pm

-There is a significant rise in plastic surgery, backed by data. More people spend more on plastic surgery than on education.
-Things like botox and teeth whitening and tanning are now very commonplace- they weren't 20 years ago.
-Huge rise in celebrity worship, celeb shows and magazines, reality tv.
-Most music on the radio now has lyrics about "beating up b*****s", "buying gucci", and "using men for money"- a big difference from the lyrics of the past.
-Spending on luxury items is up, donating to charity is down
-Much more credit card debt for "shopping sprees" and "must have lifestyles".

Don't forget a rise in poor role models on kid's shows.

Have any of you seen the movie IDIOCRACY? Also scary...very.

I have seen it, and judging by today's society, it looks like it's already beginning. :(


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01 Jul 2010, 11:05 pm

I am very annoyed by some of the pompous young people who come to my venue...we get a lot of homogeneous poseurs and they make me very angry...They wear these "uniforms" a lot of them are punk rockers...who all dress the same and act the same and have no principals behind the aesthetics other than the really base stuff...."f**k the man"..."lets throw beer bottles at trains"....Lets put our beer bottles on Super Happy Fun Land's grand piano and bang on the keys and then act belligerent when the weird angry lady who works there gets upset... The music they play is boring and all sounds the same....It is very tiresome... :roll:

There is definitely a generation gap...


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02 Jul 2010, 7:12 am

It's all about them. What they want and what they like. What do they feel like doing. The fact that they have nothing better to do. How they can't stand to look fat, if they're girls. How they feel the need to be macho, if they're guys. How much money do they have? How many brand name clothes, they can hoard.

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02 Jul 2010, 4:21 pm

The weird thing is, it seems to have skipped a generation. You had the "Me Generation" of the 70s, then you had Generation X who were latchkey kids and left to their own devices largely and got tough, then after them came Millenials who were all protected by their Me Gen folks and grew up to be unbearable. The Me Gen never changed, once the kids went off to college the hubby/wife was cut loose and it was PARTY TIME, dope and "swinging". You have 50 year olds who are having random hookups as if they were 20. I wonder if the kids of the Xers will be tough or soft.


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03 Jul 2010, 6:27 pm

NearlyaHuman wrote:

Ditto. Fired from so many fast food places. It's very difficult to deal with jerk customers who blame everything on you, and keep a smile on your face, while your feet ache and you have grease burns. You have to act like you LOVE serving the jerks like a slave. If you can't act bubbly, you're gone. At least as a cashier. I hated making burgers even more. They time you and complain when you are like 3 seconds behind.
Same here, in retail.
Heaven help you if you aren't fast enough. The customers b***h, then they treat you like you are a moron if you take a few seconds too long to count their money or scan their coupons.
They think we are some sort of machines, and not get tired or make mistakes as if we could do everything flawlessly and superfast, and that it is our fault if we don't. :?

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