heaven help those that are in the way of humans

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03 Nov 2010, 5:58 am

leejosepho wrote:
b9 wrote:
i always have had a dim view of the way humans pave the world ...cut the trees down ... level the ground ...
... on their way to their non essential destinations.

Such as your own while you were out traveling?! ;)

i see your point. i may be considered a hypocrite, but because i was out trveling, that bird had a greater chance of surviving. if i had been able to reach it before it was killed, then i would certainly have prevented it from being run over.

leejosepho wrote:
b9 wrote:
today ... driving ... i saw a pigeon sitting on the road ...
... and i saw 4 cars drive straight over the top of the pigeon ...

Paved world or not, that is definitely a sad commentary on us human beings.

well i am sorry if i offend you. i do not consider individual people in the same way that i consider the hordes.

i can not imagine anyone individually being so callous that they drive by and leave the bird in danger, but i can easily imagine that with humans as a horde, the bird is doomed.

i did not mean to individually insult anyone here.


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03 Nov 2010, 6:02 am

Janissy wrote:
Poor bird. It's such a minor thing to slow down and drive around an animal in the road. It's hard enough for them that there are roads in the middle of their habitat. People should take care not to hit them,. We owe them that much at the very least.

i agree. my deeper aggravation is that humans have made the world a dangerous place for innocent animals to live in.

humans just usurp the world for their own convenience, and they consider themselves the only life that really matters. they think that because they are more intelligent than animals, that they are more "alive" than animals.

i do not see it that way.


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03 Nov 2010, 6:04 am

leejosepho wrote:
b9 wrote:
heaven did not help that sweet little one ...

Janissy wrote:
People should take care not to hit them ...

So then, it really was only our own fault.

are you being sarcastic? do you think it was the birds fault for getting sick and not being able to move in a place "owned" by humans?


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03 Nov 2010, 6:09 am

mechanicalgirl39 wrote:
Very sorry to hear that. People are so callous. I had a similar thing happen but it was a cat. Poor creature was alive bleeding from a head wound and people just drove past. Myself and my mom wrapped him in a coat and took him off to the vet but he died anyway. :(

it is good of you to go out of your way to help the cat. the people who drive past think "not my problem", and they are correct. but they fail to care that it is the cat's problem, and because it is the cat's problem and not theirs, they barge along without any sense of inclination to assist something that is distressed and in need of help.

as long as they can not be officially "blamed" for the plight of the cat, then they hurry on unimpeded to where they want to be.


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03 Nov 2010, 6:22 am

Maybe the driver who ran over the poor bird might have thought it was already dead. Or maybe they mistook it for a bunched up rag or other item of rubbish that was dropped from a truck or something. Most drivers aren't as alert as they should be when driving to spot things like small animals and such that maybe be on the road.

Me and my brother were driving from Bundaberg with some friends of his in a car behind us. I swerved to miss a frill neck lizard that was running across the road, but my brother's friends....just ran over the poor thing :(. I saw it in my rear view mirror.


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03 Nov 2010, 6:29 am

Subotai wrote:
I agree. I always bring up the holocaust in comparison to slaughterhouses and it's rarely a popular opinion.

i can see what you are saying, but i can not draw the same analogy. the holocaust was the useless extermination of people (except for the gold teeth and spectacles harvested) due to hatred and the opinion that they were pollutants to the purity of the desired genetic evolution planned by madmen.

slaughterhouses are like factories of predation by meat eating intellects who have refined the process by mass production. i do truly know that there is not much consideration for the comfort of animals in slaughterhouses, and i agree that there is no value placed upon the individual existence of any animal in that process, and i abhor the process, but i do eat meat and i can not see personally what goes on in slaughterhouses, and it takes away from me the gruesome chore of killing animals myself.

i could not stand being a vegetarian, and i know my health would suffer if i did not get meat into my tummy, and when i see a steak in the window of a butcher, i do not associate it with the actual animal it came from. i just become personally involved when i see the animals face, and i feel it's life.

Subotai wrote:
It's a deep rooted instinct for humans not to kill humans, people will justify killing animals with any number of excuses because it doesn't naturally pack the same emotional punch.

yes i know. animals "must" be culled if they are an irritant to human comfort.

if humans decide that there are too many animals of a particular species to their liking, then they will (without guilt) eradicate them.

Last edited by b9 on 03 Nov 2010, 7:39 am, edited 1 time in total.


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03 Nov 2010, 6:34 am

chaotik_lord wrote:
I think it hurts more.

I brake and swerve for animals. I won't go around if there is another car behind me (because what if I go around and they go straight and hurt the animal?) People should stop devaluing the lives of nonhumans. I'm so sorry to hear about the pigeon. I would not have read through if I knew it would end so sadly.

sorry that the story had a shocking end. i would not have created this thread if it ended any other way. i was very stricken by what happened so i wrote it.

normally i never start threads, but i was moved to do so because the pigeons life meant enough to warrant it in my opinion.


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03 Nov 2010, 6:44 am

Booyakasha wrote:
I can't understand those that tear flowers, cut down trees for no proper reason either (like building a garage or a shopping mall) - even less so those that would cold-bloodily kill a pigeon.

i do not think they intended to kill the pigeon. i think they just felt that their destination, and their business that they were going about, was more important than the pigeons terror and they considered that a small bird is not worth the effort to steer around.

Booyakasha wrote:
Just running after whatever it seems so much important - catching some silly quiz show on the TV? Football game?

yes. they think that their entertainment and their simple desires they drive toward are of biblical importance and utterly justified because they think that they are the masterpieces of gods work.

Booyakasha wrote:
Oh well, 40 more years to go, then I luckily won't have to see or hear about such matters any more.

40 more years to go, and i will not be around to help any more poor little animals.
hopefully there will be people in my place that see them as i do then.


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03 Nov 2010, 6:51 am

pineapple wrote:
I agree with you, and would have been really shaken by that incident as well. I feel embarrassed to be human sometimes. :(

i am not embarrassed to be human. i do not think all people are the same way, just most.

i am a human and i cared about that bird very much, and you are human and you would have felt like me in that circumstance. so it is not a characteristic that all humans share to be ignorant of the reality of animals lives.

it is just that most people are completely selfish and they justify the actions they perform with the idea that they are superior to not only all animals, but also to many "lesser" humans as well.


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03 Nov 2010, 7:37 am

so now i get to you.
i am tired because i have flattened my batteries replying to everyone, and i have not much charge to help me think of a way to convivially address your post, but i will try.

John_Browning wrote:
Don't worry about it. pigeons and squirrels are not endangered species.

neither are humans. humans are in plague proportions, so if you value the life of a single person, then if you can not value the life of a single pigeon, then there is some blockage of reasoning that you suffer.

John_Browning wrote:
If you stopped in the middle of the road to help the pigeon, you might have only ended up with a wrecked car
my car is not as valuable to me as the life of that pigeon. that pigeon was never alive before it was born, and it will never be alive again. that pigeon is not able to be made by humans, and while it was alive, it was a "self" that was miraculous in it's creation. it lived and thought and wanted things and felt comfortable and happy and it felt also terrified and unhappy and it was a "me" contained in it's little head. can the technicians at mercedes create that? can it be mass produced with raw materials and a production line? no. your values are severely compromised by your lack of sight.

John_Browning wrote:
and possibly getting your ass kicked.

only people with an inbred redneck mentality devoid of the ability for attention or consideration would choose to kick me while i was rescuing a pigeon.

you may think of and identify with many people who would fit that description, but in australia, people would understand that i was doing a nice thing. in your depraved neighborhood, maybe i would be gunned down by unthinking toothless idiots if they were interrupted for a few minutes from their unstoppable instinctive directives.

John_Browning wrote:
If you crash into somebody or cause somebody when dodging and animal in the road
your sentence is incomplete and does not make sense. i will not bother to fill in your logical pothole with an adequate word that smoothes over your dereliction of fluency.

John_Browning wrote:
, you are likely to get sued. if there is ever another animal in the road, it is best for all concerned if you run it over or let it get run over.

you would deliberately run over an animal.
you say you are a right wing gun nut.

those that fly with only a right wing, fly in anticlockwise circles.
gun nuts are nuts with guns, and you are certainly a nut.

nuts with guns often wind up as one's with no guts.

maybe i am being harsh, but i do not subscribe to your words to me.

stay safe


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03 Nov 2010, 8:24 am

b9 wrote:
leejosepho wrote:
b9 wrote:
today ... driving ... i saw a pigeon sitting on the road ...
... and i saw 4 cars drive straight over the top of the pigeon ...

Paved world or not, that is definitely a sad commentary on us human beings.

well i am sorry if i offend you. i do not consider individual people in the same way that i consider the hordes.

Oh no, I was agreeing with you.

b9 wrote:
leejosepho wrote:
b9 wrote:
heaven did not help that sweet little one ...

Janissy wrote:
People should take care not to hit them ...

So then, it really was only our own fault.

are you being sarcastic? do you think it was the birds fault ...

No, just pointing out it was not heaven's fault.

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03 Nov 2010, 9:03 am

Can we put this down to being 'one of those things'. Had the pigeon been stood out view it may have starved to death. Had it been rescued it may well have been put to sleep, in addition to the distress of being captured


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03 Nov 2010, 9:39 am

My mother once called me to come to her house and do something after she had come home and heard some noise in the flue above her fireplace ... and it turned out that an old barn owl had evidently fallen in ... and my rescue efforts and taking it to someone I knew who nurses ill animals gave it nothing more than a bit of dignity as it died.

On Big Pine Key in the Florida Keys, there is a long stretch of road with a low speed limit intended to help protect the native "Key Deer" that live there, but one lobster fisherman once joked that eating more Key Deer might help preserve the lobster supply.

There is no excuse for intentionally harming a non-threatening animal or bird, but I have also seen some nasty crashes and personal human injury after someone swerved in traffic in order to miss an animal.

Life is challenging for all.

I began looking for someone like me when I was five ...
My search ended at 59 ... right here on WrongPlanet.


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05 Nov 2010, 1:23 am

the pigeon is a good example. Existence to a pigeon. It is aware of itself, kind of like us, in its own frame of mind. It has goals objectives, its not a machine. It has life,energy, to it or soul if you will. When it dies, that energy has to go somewhere. Maybe it is reborn again as a bird or it graduates into an animal with a higher consciousness. Like a Dog or Cat. Dogs and Cats especially if they are pets are in the final stages of its animal consciousness. They begin to see what the human world is like by serving their master, just like humans get a little insight on spirit beings at certain points of their life. What is inside of us, our essence, can never be destroyed, it continuously changes forms and you become higher beings through each incarnation. This is the only way that would make sense. This seems to be the way that the creator works.


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05 Nov 2010, 6:05 am

I pulled up in traffic only last year, a kitten ran on the road under the car in front. I started to worry about it immediately, the car drove off when the light turned green, it was in the middle of the road and ran under my car. I jumped out and started looking under my car, I ran around both sides and the back crouching down to look everywhere, I could not see it, hiding anywhere, there were cars behind me waiting to go and the lights were green and in the other lane traffic was moving so it wasn't safe, I told myself it must have run to the kerb when I was around the other side, I moved off slowly just in case..and felt the wheel go over something, I felt sick, I looked in the rear view mirror and saw this little broken creature still moving a little :cry:
Loads of cars were behind me and they ran over it too.
I imagined what would have happened if I had checked more thoroughly, me picking the little kitten up in my shirt, taking it to someones house. :(


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05 Nov 2010, 7:07 am

bucephalus wrote:
Can we put this down to being 'one of those things'. Had the pigeon been stood out view it may have starved to death. Had it been rescued it may well have been put to sleep, in addition to the distress of being captured

i do think the pigeon would have died no matter what anyone tried to do for it, but that is not the main point.
the point is that the machinery of human progress is unstoppable and brutal.