Quatermass wrote:
2. My aunt and cousin, for being selfish, shallow, and siding with my father.
I am in a similar situation minus the father part.
Quatermass wrote:
3. Kids below the age of 13, for they talk loudly and ask too many questions and run about and scream, especially in libraries.
I've never liked kids. Unless they were girls who developed early.
Quatermass wrote:
4. Dickheads who drive unsafely, without realising that each car is a WMD and CAN KILL!! !!
I've been driving roughly 5 months now but I'm getting better. Hopefully my clean record will stay that way.
Quatermass wrote:
5. Scum who rape and murder (at the moment, my wrath is focused on those who raped Dianne Brimble, and caused her to die from GHB overdose).
I think they should execute rapists. My family says I am radical and shouldn't focus so much on rapists because I have my own faults and I can't do anything about something that happened in Vermont or Florida.
Quatermass wrote:
6. Politicians and religious leaders, for obvious reasons.
I can't agree here being religious and that I would like to go into politics one day myself.
Quatermass wrote:
7. The human race in general for being a bunch of stupid $#!ts who cannot get it together to live in at least a decent simulacrum of peace. They also expect ME to be selfless and altruistic, when they are anything but.