emlion wrote:
personally i don't think proved wrong = stupid.
Wow, I didn't expect a response this quickly.
But yes, maybe you are right. I mean, look at Edison: he failed like a thousand times when trying to invent the electric light bulb, but his attitude was "I didn't fail 1000 times, I just learned 1000 ways how *not* to make a light bulb." This came from a man who was suspected to have Asperger's like you and me! So if he could accept his fallacies, why can't I? Some of the best things we have today came as a result of mistakes; penicillin, fireworks, microwave ovens, the Slinky and even potato chips (though that last one was invented more in a fit of anger).
But anyway, my point is that I'll make an effort not to be so hard on myself in future when I mess up. ^_^
Last edited by Usagi1992 on 24 Mar 2011, 10:14 am, edited 1 time in total.