hyperlexian wrote:
yeah, i understand this. really, really. my friends evaorate after no longer than 2 years. i am constantly on the lookout to make new friends, as hard as it can be, because i have come to understand that my friends won't last.
i have a couple of good friends right now that might survive the 2 year mark, but that is because they are sort of coaching me. i have been quite open about my past friendship experiences and they encourage me to express myself honestly. it's interesting and fulfilling... and i hope it all lasts, but i don't really believe it will happen.
For me it's three and a half years, then the friendship dies without warning. As far I can tell, there's not even a reason; it's like it has an expiration date. I keep a mental calendar of how long I've been friends with them, and I brace myself when it approaches that mark.
Ever since I left my teen years it's been this way.