Hovis wrote:
I chew skin off my knuckles and the backs of my fingers, and I pick practically everywhere. My arms are the worst, but I've started on my legs in the last year or so too. Tiny little scabs become great big raw/bleeding scabs because I've picked at them.
I usually use scissors to gouge off foot calluses.
I scratch mosquito bites until they bleed and scab, then, because the scab is there, I pull it off, over and over. I pick freckles, pick and squeeze pores. Any itchy are is attacked, blisters,splinter sites,tiny new moles. Mostly my legs and arms. I'm face enjoys a large degree of restraint. It happens when I am with someone very critical and perfectionist. If I feel I've failed to please them it gets worse and worse. Stress of any kind that causes me to withdraw from life, because then I sit alone and have the time to fidget.
It's amazing how I respond to feeling loved, secure and admired, and How i am if I also feel the same in return. It's just so rare that I care in that way about anyone...am attracted in that way.
I believe it IS an effort at perfection, a stress reliever, something my hands and fingernails just do while i'm reading or watching tv. Stress and loneliness and feelings of rejection exacerbate the problem tremendously. When I feel loved and nurtured, secure and stable, it goes away. It's amazing how someone who knows in reality that they are above average in appearance can feel so unacceptable.
It was a relief of sorts to read that other people do this. I mentioned it to my GP and the psychiatrist I see for my med checks for my antideppressant, but they never really addressed it, or why or what to do about it. Only recently it dawned on me that it may fall under "self mutilation", not so overt as cutting, which i can't imagine doing, or even OCD. I don't have any other OCD behaviors that I know of. I don't smoke even, or drink to excess. I just want the blemishes to GO AWAY, even if it hurts and bleeds. Luckily it's not my face that gets destroyed, but my arms are mottled and my legs are scarred here and there. My depression does not help the matter.