there isnt much i can say that everyone else already hasnt so you have my most sincerest sympathies for your loss and im sure i speak for the whole community when i say that WP(the community itself) will always be there for you to help you through this, it has been for me.
i don't know you as well as i would like to, i talked to you a few times, but if you ever need to talk about anything i am always here, its the least i can do
again you have my sympathies for your loss i understand how painful suicide of a loved one can be, i have never really known my father but i lost the closest person i ever had as a father figure in my life to suicide last October(10/19/10), so while i can't truly know what your going through, i can understand what your going through
WP Strident Atheist
If you believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, have accepted him as your lord and savior, and are 100% proud of it, put this in your sig.