Quatermass wrote:
You know, I'm surprised a woman would even use the word "c***", and that it wouldn't be censored by WrongPlanet...
Okay, lemme see....
Shopping list for the bullies....
Okay, hairspray and a lighter (for what they did to the girl, they will get in return)....
A video camera to record their humiliation....
And them all in a room, restrained and stripped...
Okay, that's the obvious stuff out of the way....
Now, I shall require....
A cardboard roll....
Half a dozen cane toads...
A 2-liter bottle of HCl from the pool shop....
Some enema kits....
A cattle prod.....
Some ball gags, and something to make gags on balls....
A safety razor.....
Expired mayonnaise....
Oh, and can someone track down any copies of that headgear Alex wore in A Clockwork Orange, or that similar one Paul McGann's Doctor wore in the Doctor Who telemovie?
No camera but you can use this instead:
<a href="http://www.kia-tickers.com><img src="http://www.kia-tickers.com/bday/ticker/19901105/+0/4/1/name/r55/s37/bday.png" border="0"> </a>