AardvarkGoodSwimmer wrote:
Have you read any novels by Irwin Shaw? Bread Upon the Waters, The Top of the Hill, Voices of a Summer Day, Evening in Byzantium. I think they're pretty good and under appreciated.
Now, songwriters are kind of the philosophers of the modern age. Much more widely listened to that quote-unquote philosophers.
Why are people so stupid? For the longest time, I thought about this. People don't seem to understand the significance of things. Learning about the spectrum, does help, but only to a degree. So, it's kind of like I'm more serious-minded than most people.
The lonelies kind of hit me hard, too, at unexpected time. And I might know what you mean, too much day-to-day contact with your family, and then wanting to keep them at arm's length?
Now, most jobs suck, obviously, you know that. And most volunteer stuff, the person organizing it is more interested in staying organized than actually getting things done, something like that. But if the question is meaningful things and possibility of contact with others between now and May, I bet people here could pitch some pretty good ideas. Political activism, I've gotten some out of it but often disappointing, but above and beyond that, I bet there's stuff. Let people pitch, give them that opportunity.
Haven't read any of those, will look them up. Thank you.
People just don't understand alot of concepts I bring forth & label me outside the pack, y'know? Eh, I'm lucky to have a family that takes care of me, so I don't really want to bother with a job, want to focus all energy on school/interests. Activism? Um, I honestly don't really like politics, I mean I like Ron Paul & want him to win, but I feel like its all set up, y'know? I feel like "they" pick the presidents before we even vote...the 1%.