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24 Jul 2012, 11:04 pm

nintendo girl, I really think you should go to the emergency room. I know it's much later since you took all the pills but the doctors should really check your blood and mental state. This is not a good situation, I pray for the best.


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26 Jul 2012, 1:06 am

Hugs hope you are ok I have thought about suicide many times but never tried to do it I can understand the isolation you are feeling sometimes AS can suck ey!! Just remember we rock in our own way. If you have a cat or other animal go give them a pat my boy Tigger hes a beautiful cat makes me very very happy

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29 Jul 2012, 1:45 pm


I did too in the pschy hospital, twice, as I felt no one cared and became so depressed about being isolated and feeling alone/and being alone all the time with no friends, never having been in a relationship, unable to pick up on social clues from women at all.

Losing 101 lbs and getting into shape didn't seem to make a difference. i still have no confidence, have body dysmorphic disorder, no women ever look at me, and I hate myself. How is anyone attracted to that? I can't even like myself.

Anyway, sorry for being so negative. I wish you the best. If it helps, i love nintendo too and I have a 3DS , I play super mario bros and there's a new one coming out for the system (New super mario bro's 2) on August 23rd.

Peace and best wishes to you. I know how you feel.
Please stay well.
But know you're not alone.


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29 Jul 2012, 1:52 pm

Please see a doctor, both for possible liver damage and to get help with the issues that led you there in the first place. The obvious things people think of are antidepressants and counseling but there may be concrete things in your life that can be changed to make things easier as well, and maybe you could find some support. I don't know if you're the same, but I am always afraid to see a doctor; this, however, is a time when it is really important to do so. Please do.


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29 Jul 2012, 2:25 pm

Not that I'm trying to give advice on how to kill yourself, because that's the last thing any of us want, but overdoses rarely work. Your body will know it's a poison and try to get rid of it, hence you would just throw it all up.

Please don't try this again.


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29 Jul 2012, 4:06 pm

She hasn't been on this forum since Tuesday. :(

SpazzDog's girl <3

"I won't give up on us, even if the skies get rough... God knows we're worth it"


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30 Jul 2012, 7:53 pm

This is worrying :(


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30 Jul 2012, 9:38 pm

It gets better, it also get worse. This world full of neurotypicals is not ready for us. These people that run the world are all mistaken. I used to think about suicide alot my only problem is im too smart not to fail at it and sence im writing this right now i have not "attempted" it. Most will yell you suicide is not the answer and while i dont think its the first choice someone should have i de beleave at some point a person can only take soo much emotional pain. Try and get help, a person trys to end their life when the pain a person feels outweighs there coping ability. The goal is to find ways to cope. Me im writing on this forum because getting your thoughts out helps.


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30 Jul 2012, 10:40 pm

There was activity today on nintendogurls youtube site. I hope thats her and I hope she's ok.

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31 Jul 2012, 6:42 am

I once took a lot of Rx painkillers to get high. I had a panic attack, went to the ER and lied about it being a suicide attempt as I was needlessly worried about legal repercussions. They didn't do anything else then test my blood for... something. The ER stuff probably won't take any notice of your suicide attempt if you seek medical assistance for med toxicity. Both Ibuprofen and Aspirin are bad on the stomach.

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01 Aug 2012, 2:40 am

I know it sounds easier to die, trust me I know, but once you're gone there's nothing you can do. It won't get better, its just over and you'll never get another chance. As long as you're breathing there is still hope that tomorrow or the tomorrow after or the tomorrow after that will be better. As long as you're still moving there is alway a chance that you can make it better. As far as trying goes, the only thing they don't tell you is that you'll only hate yourself in the end.

Somebody once said that dying was easy, it's living that takes guts.

Please don't go.


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01 Aug 2012, 8:14 am

nintendogurl1990 wrote:
I tried to kill myself. I took all the pills I could find: a half a bottle of Advil and a half a bottle of St. Joseph's aspirin. I felt nauseous afterward, but didn't throw up. Nothing else happened. I wish I did die because I'm so depressed and my life doesn't seem to be getting much better.

Twill get better my friend. I attempted numerous times. Things do get better though. Have you been to a doctor or similar to see if you have depression? I do, and I found medication helps. I mean, i'm still a depressed loner type dude, but It makes things easier and I can live life and at least enjoy things. I don't know if it will help with you, but you could try counselling. It didn't help too much for me, but i know it does work for others.


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07 Aug 2012, 3:22 am

I, too, hope you've gone to an ER regarding the pills you've taken. Depending on the number of pills you've taken and your physical weight and overall health, you really are at risk of stomach bleeding. Ingesting alcohol with Ibuprofen is a catalyst for liver damage and/or liver failure. Neither is a pleasant experience and, as someone else pointed out, can have delayed and long-term consequences.

SO many of us have considered or attempted suicide when we're undergoing stress, experiencing grief (which can be triggered by changes like job loss or moving or becoming homeless) or being traumatized by someone who either doesn't understand or doesn't care what effect their actions (or lack of action) may have on us. Sometimes just the frustration of living with a "difference" becomes exhausting. It feels as though we take one step forward and one step back again and again. You don't mention what triggered your feeling so bad that you wanted to die.

I made an attempt with some Benzos (Dalmane) after a man beat me up four years ago. I'd done nothing that seemed to provoke this attack, other than calmly telling him I wanted to get on the internet and search for a job. He said crazy, delusional things about "demons" being on the internet and in computers. This man did everything he could to prevent me finding work in a city which was new to me. This meant so much to me and getting hurt like that just shut me down and made me afraid to try. I'd felt so much enthusiasm.. to lose this drive, this belief I could succeed, was devastating. I had him arrested and got a "No Contact" order that kept him away from me tor ten days, so I could recover. I didn't trust that he wouldn't try to return. He had no respect for the law. I then "booby-trapped" the door so he could not enter under any circumstances. I swallowed those pills and slept for two full days.. was surprised when I woke up. I really needed to sleep and the sleep (although drugged) was therapeutic. This person had been putting me through head trips and sleep deprivation, eating all the food I'd purchased so there was nothing for me to eat. He even went through my purse while I was showering and ate a candy bar I'd hidden! I was buying all this food and, even though I'm not a big eater, was being starved by this lunatic!

I never mentioned this to my Doctor or any other Doctor, for that matter. But the pills I had taken do not cause the potential damage that the ones you took may cause. I do not drink. Had I mixed the Dalmane with alcohol, the effects and outcome might have been very different. I got away from this violent madman, although the trauma and fear that he would try to find me again stuck around for awhile.. What keeps me from giving in to these states of mind where I want to end it all when I feel overwhelmed, when nothing seems to be working or someone acts like a real jerk with me and I go into meltdown or shutdown, is the larger fear that should I make such an attempt and be found and revived, I will be involuntarily committed to a Mental Hospital, which in my opinion would be a fate worse than death. To be trapped in such a place, to be given medications I don't need, that are not appropriate for me and that I cannot handle.. it's too much to contemplate!

I wasn't crazy or "seeking revenge" when I took the Dalmane. This man was someone I'd never trust and had no intention of ever seeing again! I was just damn tired of being victimized by people -- and this guy had done a real number on me, physically and emotionally. I prefer "hanging in there" and coping with the fear and pain that sometimes threatens to overwhelm me. To be institutionalized and lose my freedom.. the thought of being caged like an animal in a zoo? No matter what, I'm stronger than that! And I believe you are stronger than that.

I hope you communicate, because there are a number of people, including myself, who care and are very concerned about you!

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09 Aug 2012, 11:45 pm

I hope you were able to make it to the ER. Please do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself!

I'm glad that I didn't succeed at my suicide attempts. Going to the hospital was scary and unpleasant, but at least I am here now. Life is still very rocky, but if I hadn't made it I wouldn't have had the opportunity to experience all the happy, bizarre, interesting, and even sad things that have happened since then.

I hope you can stick around and keep hanging on to this crazy ride called life.


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10 Aug 2012, 7:03 am

She hasn't posted on this site in ages :S


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10 Aug 2012, 11:22 am

nintendogurl1990 wrote:
I tried to kill myself. I took all the pills I could find: a half a bottle of Advil and a half a bottle of St. Joseph's aspirin. I felt nauseous afterward, but didn't throw up. Nothing else happened. I wish I did die because I'm so depressed and my life doesn't seem to be getting much better.

I think that she should go to hospital is not really the thing she wanted to hear. Although its probably right thing to do.

Well those who have experience, how was it to be at hospital? Did they manage to make you feel better, did they understand you?

And NT cannot probably understand some of the most essential problems of being different and thus just treat as if you were one of them (NT).

[quote GoldCoinLover]
I did too in the pschy hospital, twice, as I felt no one cared and became so depressed about being isolated and feeling alone/and being alone all the time with no friends

Yes, this must be hell.

Anyone additional tips what to do, that probably really helps?

What to do when the battery that is maybe otherwise charged to 500% is empty?

What was/is the problem? Why do you feel so depressed?

What about your family, can you just phone them and let them guess how you are doing and let them care about you?

We should guess what she wanted to hear from us ...
Because now she is probably disappointed and not answering anything.