Whats the worst dream you ever had?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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23 Feb 2013, 1:26 pm

I have a recurring dream of being chased through dark underground sewers by black dog-like creatures. This nightmare is probably because as a child, I was once trapped in a claustrophobic underground tunnel in the woods.

PDD-NOS (diagnosed)
PTSD (diagnosed)

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23 Feb 2013, 1:28 pm

Santa Claus trying to kill me with a knife when I was 8 was the worst dream I've ever had.


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23 Feb 2013, 2:20 pm

Worst dream is recurring nightmare of re-experiencing my beloved dog getting killed by a truck 20 feet away while I was helpless to save him. RIP best hiking buddy ever.

Tufted Titmouse
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23 Feb 2013, 3:59 pm

I had a dream where my parents sent me to a mental hospital. I didn't feel scared during the dream, but when I woke up I felt emotionally drained.

During my childhood my parents were always putting me on various pills, I was never bothered by it until that dream just put everything into focus.

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05 Mar 2013, 8:48 pm

I'd say the worst dream I can recall happened about 3 years ago when I felt trapped in a semi-awake state while this dark and demonized version of me was trying to choke me to death. It was scary as hell, and I was struggling to wake up, but it felt like something was holding me down. Maybe I saw the Exorcist or something, but even today thinking about it gives me the shudders. In hindsight, at the time I was struggling with depression...

A close second would be a dream I had during childhood. I was traveling down this dark tunnel. Nothing special about it, I suppose, but the notable part that still bothers me is the level of blood-curdling fear it gave me. I hate those kind of dreams, where you're aware its a dream but you're paralyzed from the neck down.


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05 Mar 2013, 8:54 pm

welcome to our cool club 8)
(clicky)all about the hypnagogic state


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05 Mar 2013, 10:48 pm

The worst dream I had wasn't really a dream it was the end of a dream. My brother whispered an insult to me in my ear.

That doesn't sound that bad at all does it? That's the weird part. Upon hearing it I was overcome with immense fear. The fear made no sense. An insult is nothing to be afraid of but I reacted to it by screaming something in my dream and I woke up screaming it. I woke up the person I was sharing a room with at the cottage when it happened.

I never felt such an intense fear in my life from something as unscary as that dream.


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06 Mar 2013, 2:14 am

I have a recurring dream of my own death the dream never changes the place and details are always the same. Ive had this same dream now all my life when i was young I didn't recognize the person, as i grew older it wasn't just some man dieing on the side of a road it is me. I'm of afraid of the dieing its that I'm all way alone when it happens. The other thing Ive noticed is I'm looking really close to the age and over all health of the dieing me. I drive north on a southern US back road that runs parallel to a major highway looks like 15. I pull over walk to the front of the the car stumble fall, i land on my left side I can feel the heat from the road smell the black top and the dry grass on the side of the road. I see the bottom of the radiator feel the life going out of me but what bugs me the most is the sound the locus and katydids are singing the buzzing song very loudly must be august in Georgia or South Carolina. I slip away I can hear the express way and the bugs as I slip away. http://youtu.be/iT4F2vhHFBk This sound but hundreds at once.


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12 Mar 2013, 12:59 pm

Many years ago, I dreamt, that my girlfriend slept at my home, and my parents said: "now, do your prayers before you sleep¨".
At the same time I was on a train, or I moved at the speed of a train. Coming towards a tunnell, I saw a peace of metal hanging down, and I thought, "My god it is going to split me". I hit it, and it split me in half. A moment later, being back in my room, I saw my girlfriends body, without the head, moving towards me on its knees. I woke up "battered".

Another one, even more years ago: I went to the neighbour village to buy something on a sunny saturday just before 2 pm.
I was a bit late. Shops were already closed and I heard laughter from the gardens. The street was empty. Just as I passed a tree, the shadow became alive, and a figure with a knife attacked me. "If I scream,surely somebody will hear me", I thought - so I screamed - and I woke up, sounding like a scared dog.

My dreams are so everyday-ish nowadays, and I usually wake up, whenever a nightmare starts.


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12 Mar 2013, 2:44 pm

When I was little, the world ending in nuclear holocaust; funny because I didn't know about nukes back then. Now, usually some man eating animal stalking me through the dream until I usually kill it in the end. It's rather bad because I can't relax because of the it. Last night I dreamed that I was in a big house and there was a small lion hunting me. I stuck to one room in the house and armed myself with a baseball bat and if came near, I would scare it away. Near the end, it came for me but I killed it by hitting it in the head; then for the rest of the dream, I kept seeing a ghost(thought it was the lion's) that looked like a coyote.

Another one was of a psycho pit bull who was killing people. That one I didn't kill until I became "aware" that it's a dream and made myself Wolverine and killed it.

I always like becoming "aware" of the dream because it usually means hell will be unleashed on who ever is pestering me.

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12 Mar 2013, 3:04 pm

Not really scary, but...
Alfalfa. From the Little Rascals. Giving birth.

Yes, I'm still alive.


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13 Mar 2013, 4:51 pm

I was chased home but I knew nothing was there, I locked the door behind me unable to shake the fear that I was unsafe. A knock on the door a girl was there aged 16 or so she was facing the door not the window and turned to look at me thankfully I woke up before she did as I knew her face would be demonic.

I have night terrors too, I wake up and feel feel fear so strongly it can only be described as pure. End up screaming the house down.


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23 Mar 2013, 3:46 pm

I just had the strangest bad dream. Most of my dreams do not contain speech except in a limited way. Anyway, I had been travelling by train someplace south, seemingly London. There was a man with thick reddish brown hair in the distance, whom I saw just from my peripheral blurred vision. He approached and then made an insulting comment about where I was from. I almost could not see his face. I took some offense at his snide comment "hey!" and turned him around, putting my hands on his face. Strangely, he said, "I am from Croydon." Then I realised: he was not a man, a human, at all. Instead, he/it was some sort of a primate! In fact, he looked to be like a neanderthal-orangutan primate with deep set eyes. And he did not like me.

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26 Mar 2013, 1:13 pm

Let's see....

When I was about 15, I had this dream where my mom and stepdad took me back to the place where I was diagnosed (which I still hate bcuz that's when my mom seemed to stop seeing me as her daughter and instead saw me as someone who needed to be "fixed") but this time, they told me, rather than having a neuropsychologist run a bunch of tests on me, they were taking me to see these doctors who were going to cut my chest open and then put my body in an oven to bake. I was terrified and protested, but my stepfather calmly told me, "This is for your own good." I ran past both of them and they tore my clothes off my body as I ran. The next thing I remember in the dream, I was still running through an empty hallway, totally nude, and could hear my parents and the doctors who were going to butcher me calling my name as they ran after me. When I looked behind me, though, I couldn't see them at all, which made it even scarier - that I couldn't even tell where they were. For all I knew, they would ambush me and all hold me down, so I would have no chance of escape.

I think I managed to wake up before they found me and the doctors were going to make the first cut. Afterward, I tried to stay awake the rest of the night for fear that the nightmare would come again.

The worst dream I had more recently was one where I had to watch my family getting killed right in front of me, and it was my fault. I can't remember what I did for my family to have to die, but I did something. even worse was that none of my extended family (who had been spared) would allow me to stay with them bcuz of the thing I did to make my family die. If it wasn't for me, they would have all still been alive.


I wish Sterling Holloway narrated my life.

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26 Mar 2013, 4:17 pm

My worst dream is this life.
Given that I can't seem to wake up, I am going to continue to put up with the drudgery and emptiness until the dream ends.


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21 Apr 2013, 3:57 pm

This is one of my worst nightmares, ever.

I was sleeping in my bed when my mom woke me up by shaking me and holding my mobile phone ( also known as my alarm clock) and the whole room was grey, my mom was grey and she was so stressed and the FEELING, THE FEELING WAS THE WORST EVER!! I Know it doesn't sound like much, but it was horrible.