Candymanic wrote:
Shale; Its a bit of both. To an extent it's something i've noticed, but also something that infuriates my friends. One thing i have trouble with is stopping talking about my problems, especially a few years back. Whenever i have a problem and i get a leadin to it, inevitably i will start talking about it, with it taking extreme force of will to stop myself from doing so. Hence why i've had people say i talk about myself too much. For some people though they just take it as part of who i am without any real fuss.
Sounds so familiar. Yes, I have a history of talking about my issues to people. I suppose they used to be an obsession as I would talk about them to anyone who was in my life at the time. Is this something any other AS people do as these days, I cannot do it really! The only people I mention my problems too now is online...but looking back, I realise, I never exactly talked about my problems because I could never explain what they were. Instead, I woud go on about wanting to die and about feeling depressed but unable to explain why I felt that way. I was always okay at expressing negative emotions, but not so good with affection, excitement, gratefulness and love. those things seem to make me tense up inside, if that makes sense? Now, I get a barrier come up when I am about to speak of my problems on forums or on msn because I have had such negative experiences on so called spiritual forums, where you are expected to be positive, love and light and all that ridiculously delusional stuff. I doubt anyone there was truly love and light, they just made sure they showed only their best side. I never did that and it did not go down well. It bought me so much trouble it is unreal, and then I was left floundering and confused because these were meant to be spiritual people, right? Wrong, these were just regular NT people, pretending to be something they were not.