Kosmonaut wrote:
I 'self-medicated' for nearly twenty years; never been in re-hab and still alive.
Had some great times, and some bad.
As far as Cannabis use and what you call 'demotivational syndrome' (what do you mean by this?)
Surely it is a good thing to have no motivation to do things you have no desire to do. (eg. slaving away 40 hours a week for a pittance whilst your boss gets rich.)
But as far as depression and psychosis, i cannot argue.
When i smoked all the time, i have been through such phases of depression, psychosis and anxiety, paranoia and social phobia. But for some people it helps in these respects.
Moderation may be the key; something i have had difficulty with in the past.
I do wish they'd get a better studies on cannabis for many fronts and get the damn big drug companies out of it. I mean, they want to sell their stuff. Something that can be grown in the back yard is bad for business. One of the problems with any type of self medicating is the dosage. It is impossible to do with "street" stuff. Pot and I did not get a long at all and that was back when it was the mild kind. This stuff today is what we used to call "trip weed". Hash was a lot more controlable for me, dose wise, but had the same downside, a little less so because I could control the amount better. About the only self medicating I did that was the least harmful, was women. That isn't a joke. In todays world even that has much more of a possible down side then when I was doing it.
"When i smoked all the time, i have been through such phases of depression, psychosis and anxiety, paranoia and social phobia."
With these symptons you are describing, some would be there just naturaly with me. Take a drug and just made them worse. Then there are the stick a needle in your vein kind, if you have any left to stick after you've been at it for a while. There were some that the drug (street) would help, then comes the addiction, then your life becomes hell from living the life style to keep the drug going. Maybe hell isn't a strong enough word.
You also left out short term memory trouble, you might think you didn't, you just forgot or still can't remember
It can be a long road finding the right leagal drug/s, but way worth it. If they really are needed. Someone might think it too expensive, but it's a lot more expensive to try to live the life style of the drug world. That place isn't for teeny-boopers, it is a very real nasty nasty place. They sense a weakness in you and you're dead meat. Well the bright side is, the drugs will probably kill you first.
I'm not anti drug as I might come across. I have an addictive pron personality, I guess. Some people it's alright with, some it isn't. Sort of like alcohol, some can do it ok and some can't. I'm doing just fine with both out of my life, well I keep the legal kind going. I don't even like to take an aspirin anymore. So I have to force myself to even do the scripts (legal).
I still wonder how I got out of that world alive, but it brought a friend I may have gotten there, that might be my doom sayer. Good chance I didn't get it in that world, I'll never know for sure. Just learning about being as aspie and the drug road I'm on now has helped me for a better out look with having Hep C. I'm very comfortable with it now. I like it here.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.