What is the Best Way to Kill Yourself?

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05 Mar 2015, 10:29 am

You are far far far from the only person to make this particular error.

How does this help you?

There are plenty of guys out there who have been there and have at least somewhat recovered.
Just take advice about your healing and not revenge as tempting as that might be.

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05 Mar 2015, 12:08 pm

You had written you were more hopeful. Hope is always worth trying for. If she cannot love and appreciate you then it doesn't happen, and that's sad, you don't have to hate her and it will burn you up inside to do so since you say you love her. Just know you can only ask of yourself that you do your best. If you want, you could tell us what happened that you're feeling worse?

Also, helplines will have someone talk to you without even having to say you are thinking of suicide, you can just say you're overwhelmed and can't figure out what to do and need someone to listen. That's what they do, call, it's free and may help. I think they know people who call haven't decided to do it and are looking for a way to live; that's the purpose of calling.


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05 Mar 2015, 3:35 pm

Lots of males try and kill themselves over relationship problems, which is stupid IMO because if a person is the problem, then cutting that person out of your life will likely solve said problem. You got married while drunk? Get a divorce and use that fact as your major tool. Tell your lawyer and your judge that you were drunk when you got hitched and that your wife took advantage of that fact. I know a guy who dumped his wife when she got hooked on dope, and then she took him to court to get half of what he owned (he's a real estate investor). Then she showed up to court stoned. He got half of what SHE owned, plus alimony. :lol: :lol: Just hire a lawyer, and get divorced. You may love her, but you can't fix her. Cut your losses and move on.


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05 Mar 2015, 6:14 pm

the drunk you is not the real you. it is a version morphed by a drug. you make mistakes under the influence, now it an opportunity to correct or mend those mistakes. like ASPartOfMe said, you're far from the only guy tho does these things.

i got a hint of what might be troubling you in the "post something that made you unhappy today" thread.

you can show her that you have the power over her by splitting/getting a divorce, though depending on where you live the process can be easier or harder. though there's always a possibility that it may work out between you too. it's a huge effort (like asking for help can be).

and break out those synthesizers! 8)

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07 Mar 2015, 3:37 pm

I have no plan, i solved the problems i had in my life instead.

And most ways of killing yourself has a high failure rate that could leave you crippled or a vedgetable.

There is one good way, but i'm not going to help people find it. And do not bother mailing me or asking about it here. Life is worth living.

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07 Mar 2015, 4:35 pm

I am available by skype, facetime, Google hangout... whatever works for you. I am a very good listener. Don't tell me your name, and nobody will show up at your door to drug you into submission.

My point is, I have been to hell and back, and chose every morning to keep trying out new options. I have journeyed far, far, and have the experience to guide you. Please do PM me.

Take care. We're here for you. :heart:

I give piano lessons to non-verbal students. What's your superpower?


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14 Mar 2015, 10:14 am

Um, yeah- Mods?

If you are going to choose to let a thread like this continue- one that starts off with specifically asking how to kill oneself- you need to closely monitor it and be deleting s**t that is harmful and abusive.

Otherwise it is insanely irresponsible and you are being completely neglectful of both the OP and the site at large.
Not everyone has a right to speak if they are going to be abusive to highly vulnerable people. This site doesn't have the best history in terms of dealing with vulnerable people, as I've found out, so you should all probably be more careful in the future.

Someone asks for a plan to kill themselves and you allow posters to call them stupid and leave it there?
What is that?

Completely inhumane.
if you are in over your head [which it really seems you are] direct people to somewhere more appropriate and close the thread for everyone's safety and wellbeing.

On another note- I should be able to remove my personal image from this site but yay I can't which is a pretty big issue and has nothing to do with you retaining rights to what I write, blahblahblah. It's another example of neglect of a potentially vulnerable population because users don't have that option last I checked [I am not able to do it].


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14 Mar 2015, 10:19 am

Yeah, we are completely over our heads, thank you very much.