smudge wrote:
Do your ways of managing it involve applying stuff topically? Or actually taking medication/vitamins/herbs?
Here's what I found applies to me through trial and error:
I have to apply moisturizer to my face after showering or washing. My face at each side of the nose under the eyes is where it usually flares up. This is kidney/stress related also, so for me it's a combination of factors.
Here's what works for me to keep it in control as much as possible:
-Limiting stress.
-Paying attention to temperature changes. I used to get hives/cholinergic urticaria from rapid changes in temperature or humidity. Season related.
-Limiting stimulating foods. I flare up from citrus fruits, spicy foods, stimulants like coffee and nicotine. And alcohol.
The solution for me is to eat a very plain, non-stimulating diet(lots of beans, green peas and rice) and to cut out alcohol and nicotine altogether. I haven't been able to quit the coffee though.
-As little refined sugar, preservatives and additives as possible.
-Regular exercise to make sure blood circulation is strong. Doesn't have to be exhausting.
-Get sunlight when I can. In the north, we get very little sunlight, so we grab what we can get.
This is what has worked for me. Hope you can get anything out of it. Let me know if you want me to elaborate more.