Tired of people here making false judgemental assumptions ab
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Alliekit wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Sly, who accused you of only going after blonde haired cheerleaders? Who accused you of being a misogynist when you're not one?
Typical of them to focus on a weak target while ignoring the men who actually perpetrate misogyny. As you said this is meant to be a place of support yet instead they turn it into a battleground to advance their ideology.
I really don't think anyone has picked out sly as a weak target, in fact many people have tried to help and support him.Typical of them to focus on a weak target while ignoring the men who actually perpetrate misogyny. As you said this is meant to be a place of support yet instead they turn it into a battleground to advance their ideology.
In fact I still hope sly can get the help he really needs
I now understand your feeling of having been betrayed. You helped Sly and he lashed out at you. No wonder he's single if he does that on his dates.
True he's had a hard life but no one wants to hear pessimism. Imagine Sly on a first date and he spends it ranting about what a terrible life he's had. Even if every word is true, the girl doesn't want to hear that. It's not so much the events of his life that are hard to hear but how he reacted to them. With pessimism and defeatism. Sly's date wouldn't like that and I don't blame her one bit.
I should follow my own advice and stop ranting about how mad I am my poverty row school didn't provide me adequate guidance to get into university. I should try and stop this obsessive envy of uni students and remember that since I already have the job I want (gained by fluke) a degree for me would be nothing more than an expensive status symbol.
As for Sly, on his next date perhaps he should tell his story with a brighter tone. He could make it about how he had a hard life but with sweat and determination he overcame adversity and it made him a stronger person. Same story, different tone.
Honestly since Sly has a qualification to be a mechanic I don't understand why he doesn't use it. He's already more educated than I am so that should give him the advantage.
Prime example. You all assume I rant or talk about how my life sucks on dates or with some.mwhole fact is besides here and my family I don't talk about my life with anyone. I'm bit too busy on dates talking about shared interest, making girls laugh and enjoying some kind of activity with them.
When people at work ask how I am I smile and say great, good or pretty good. You are are likely the only ones outside my fsmily who know I'm not happy with my life.
I don't use my degree because o can't do it. Just like not everyone's cut out to be a cop, Doctor, nurse, manager, repair man etc. I wasn't cut out to be a mechanic, it's a horrible job for a slow moving anxious aspie with hearing and touch sensitives. Not to mention also bad for a sensitive non manly guy. Whole atmosphere was toxic to me. I'm not meant for hard labor, I'm better off indoors working retail or some office job in a suit.
Alliekit seemed. Ice but the. She made that post in women's section basically calling us men liars and only allowed women to replie and of course they replie that they don't and most women here don't. But aspie women are not the nt women standard. Just as aspie men are not like most nt men. I found that thread quite hurtful.

Also it's real rich coming from you given how you'd see and treat women as some trophy to appease your family and friends. You've had so many gfs but leave them because they aren't thin 0.o
EnmaLionheart wrote:
Not trying to judge since I'm still pretty new to the site and boards. I do believe you have skeletons. Yes I read. I know I have problems with dating. I do see folks trying to help out but you go left field on this.
I'm at the point that I do feel you're attention seeking and wanting reactions from others on here. Also WP is not bad place from the look of things. I believe you chose to be this way with WP. Nothing personal.
Try being more positive and if you don't like something about yourself try to change it. Though I need to do this as well with my state of mind as well as being positive in real life.
Don't get angry at me please. This is what I've seen so far and I'm not trying to judge you or your character.
Not trying to judge since I'm still pretty new to the site and boards. I do believe you have skeletons. Yes I read. I know I have problems with dating. I do see folks trying to help out but you go left field on this.
I'm at the point that I do feel you're attention seeking and wanting reactions from others on here. Also WP is not bad place from the look of things. I believe you chose to be this way with WP. Nothing personal.
Try being more positive and if you don't like something about yourself try to change it. Though I need to do this as well with my state of mind as well as being positive in real life.
Don't get angry at me please. This is what I've seen so far and I'm not trying to judge you or your character.
I just would like people to be oh that true and sucks lets try to figure a way to help you find women not like that on dating sites.
Rather being sayin it's not true at all and no women are like ther and I'm just making it all up. I got that growing up. I'd be bullied and people would say I was lying and that the kids wouldn't do that even when they hit me and other people saw.
I've shown proof and I can show it again. I have no reason to beleive anything hive said but I take you at your word . I don't accuse you of making it all up and say guys don't do any of those things, all I'd like is same treatment in return from others. Take me at my word or look at their profiles if you want.
I've never claimed all women are like that. Probably 1/8-1/4 of women don't list any stuff on their profile for required to message them and I don lump pretty thin women in with those that do becaus most of pretty thin women list it. But. Don't know what to message them anymore,mim quite afraid to because they likely will reject me over my job. I don't want to lie nor can I afford to lie as I can't afford to take every woman I date to a restrunt and pay $50 that's all my extra money per month if thst(really $40) and that I get by buying less groceries
Was thinking of I hiding lot of them and trying giving another shot. Maybe those I messaged before won't remember i dont know. But I saw thst bread and it upset me

Seems no one in that thread believes me and just think I'm a liar and I'm not and it hurts thst people question my character like thst
I wish it was tru and all women were kind and willing to date poor men. But it's not. Ask nurses angel and others they say they won't date poor men. So how is it I must be lying. 0.o
If I don't come here I'll be all alone. I don't have friends anymore for Same reason I those girls reject me, I can't afford to go out and do things that cost money and no one just wants to walk or sit around playing games together any more. They want to go drink at s bar or go to a pricey club. I like staying home and doing free activities. Walking around s park is fun and free we have many parks in my area.
Only people I meet online gaming are out of state.
I stayed off today because it's my sisters birthday and wp makes me upset which then upsets my fsmily,
around here there is a support group for people with disabilities. among such folks you'd be likely to find others who like to do less expensive stuff. your local library might know of such groups.
sounds like you have figured out how to live well with little cash. that's a great skill.
Deltaville wrote:
Hey Sly,
I was wondering why you chose automative engineering as your major, if it isn't your forte?
I was wondering why you chose automative engineering as your major, if it isn't your forte?
I originally was trying for s teaching degree, but I'm not super intelligent or book smart. I realized I wouldn't be able to do 8 years of school and the higher levels of math and writing required, however government is rather push thst one finishes quickly and don't take time to decide what to do. So I picked automotive because it's hand on and not really book smart(wrong about that too, cars are computers now basically). Figured better to finishe and get the degree then just drop out year short. Still I pushed my self and tried to find work doing test runs and a internship at some shops. I really never should have gone to college but society says everyone should so I did.
I honestly think my good match would be factory worker. Something inside assembling parts or packing stuff. Not requiring of much physical labor.
cathylynn wrote:
around here there is a support group for people with disabilities. among such folks you'd be likely to find others who like to do less expensive stuff. your local library might know of such groups.
sounds like you have figured out how to live well with little cash. that's a great skill.
sounds like you have figured out how to live well with little cash. that's a great skill.
There's a group of older male aspies who met at a church, unfortunately it's at Lat nit in in the next city, no buses home.
I never had much or money growing up. Always got electronics late in their cycle. Now I save and avoid eating out. I'm quite responsible in my mind. Not to how others thing my standards should be. I've been maybe buying too much shave stuff but I need happy stuff and don't really have anything else to spend my money on. Suppose if I got s gf I'd spend it on her.
sly279 wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Alliekit wrote:
RetroGamer87 wrote:
Sly, who accused you of only going after blonde haired cheerleaders? Who accused you of being a misogynist when you're not one?
Typical of them to focus on a weak target while ignoring the men who actually perpetrate misogyny. As you said this is meant to be a place of support yet instead they turn it into a battleground to advance their ideology.
I really don't think anyone has picked out sly as a weak target, in fact many people have tried to help and support him.Typical of them to focus on a weak target while ignoring the men who actually perpetrate misogyny. As you said this is meant to be a place of support yet instead they turn it into a battleground to advance their ideology.
In fact I still hope sly can get the help he really needs
I now understand your feeling of having been betrayed. You helped Sly and he lashed out at you. No wonder he's single if he does that on his dates.
True he's had a hard life but no one wants to hear pessimism. Imagine Sly on a first date and he spends it ranting about what a terrible life he's had. Even if every word is true, the girl doesn't want to hear that. It's not so much the events of his life that are hard to hear but how he reacted to them. With pessimism and defeatism. Sly's date wouldn't like that and I don't blame her one bit.
I should follow my own advice and stop ranting about how mad I am my poverty row school didn't provide me adequate guidance to get into university. I should try and stop this obsessive envy of uni students and remember that since I already have the job I want (gained by fluke) a degree for me would be nothing more than an expensive status symbol.
As for Sly, on his next date perhaps he should tell his story with a brighter tone. He could make it about how he had a hard life but with sweat and determination he overcame adversity and it made him a stronger person. Same story, different tone.
Honestly since Sly has a qualification to be a mechanic I don't understand why he doesn't use it. He's already more educated than I am so that should give him the advantage.
Prime example. You all assume I rant or talk about how my life sucks on dates or with some.mwhole fact is besides here and my family I don't talk about my life with anyone. I'm bit too busy on dates talking about shared interest, making girls laugh and enjoying some kind of activity with them.
When people at work ask how I am I smile and say great, good or pretty good. You are are likely the only ones outside my fsmily who know I'm not happy with my life.
I don't use my degree because o can't do it. Just like not everyone's cut out to be a cop, Doctor, nurse, manager, repair man etc. I wasn't cut out to be a mechanic, it's a horrible job for a slow moving anxious aspie with hearing and touch sensitives. Not to mention also bad for a sensitive non manly guy. Whole atmosphere was toxic to me. I'm not meant for hard labor, I'm better off indoors working retail or some office job in a suit.
Alliekit seemed. Ice but the. She made that post in women's section basically calling us men liars and only allowed women to replie and of course they replie that they don't and most women here don't. But aspie women are not the nt women standard. Just as aspie men are not like most nt men. I found that thread quite hurtful.

Also it's real rich coming from you given how you'd see and treat women as some trophy to appease your family and friends. You've had so many gfs but leave them because they aren't thin 0.o
I made the post in the women's section to try and understand the difficulties you were facing and if the women really did care. I thought they would explain more to a woman and then I could explain to you. I was also confused because I had not come across this idea before
I am so hurt right now, I tried so hard to help you
cathylynn wrote:
can't find alliekit's thread.
Hi I've given you a link. It was because I did not undestand the thought process and wanted women's opinions. In other sections there had been overwhelmin male opinion so I wondered what aspie women thought about it. I don't know if it's because I'm from England but that attitude doesn't exist in the women I've met and are friends with so I was confused
In the responses you can see a mixed view on it
Now I'm being trashtalked for being an aspie that is curious and doesn't always understand things
kraftiekortie wrote:
I don't care how much I'm "trashtalked." The "trashtalking" towards you might not have anything to do WITH you.
If I know I'm right, I don't bother with the crap. Much of it is hubris, anyway.
If I know I'm right, I don't bother with the crap. Much of it is hubris, anyway.
He said my name though :'(. I just don't want people I'm just starting to get to know and like to think I'm horrible :'( :'(
The only person that can really fix Sly...is Sly.
I don't think he's a jerk at all. He needs to help himself. And to seek help in order to assist him in helping himself.
I understand how Sly feels. I've felt the same way. The ONLY solution is to get out more in the world beyond work....instead of relying on the "ideology" of online dating to guide his opinions of people.
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