Got some terrible news yesterday...
My social worker said that it's because they didn't make the right choices.
@^@#$%&@#&*@!*!@@! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Let me at them. I don't need kunai, i don't need shurikens, i'm going to rip them apart with my bare hands and burn what little pieces remain. This is the lowest way to ruin a childs life, by taking them away from their parents for no reason. I'll kill them all.
Easy! It's not that big of a deal!
And to the people asking if I have legal rights, I guess not. My social worker is saying that this is what's best for me. I took that as meaning that sooner or later, I'd appreciate what they did. Well, I won't. My parents don't have Internet, and they only have cell phones for phones, so I can't e-mail them, and I haven't written them a letter in ages.
You do have 'rights' mate. You have a voice, social workers are not always 'right' - at the same time, as painful as it can sometimes be when you're going through it - sometimes they are right - and life can improve.
I was forceably removed from my family at 13. Lived in foster homes/hostels (care of the state) etc until 17.
I hope it all works out in a positive way for you, sincerely. If you do have time, it may be wise to look into your 'rights' as a minor and find a way to be 'heard'. If minors are able to divorce their parents - which does happen on occasion, then logic would state that there is representation you may be able to gain, to help you as an individual in this scenario - separate from your social worker - if you so require/desire it.
I wish you all the very best of luck my fellow WP member - remember, that no matter what happens - you are special, unique and amazing - just in your being you.
Hang in there mate

My social worker said that it's because they didn't make the right choices.
@^@#$%&@#&*@!*!@@! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !!
Let me at them. I don't need kunai, i don't need shurikens, i'm going to rip them apart with my bare hands and burn what little pieces remain. This is the lowest way to ruin a childs life, by taking them away from their parents for no reason. I'll kill them all.
Easy! It's not that big of a deal!
And to the people asking if I have legal rights, I guess not. My social worker is saying that this is what's best for me. I took that as meaning that sooner or later, I'd appreciate what they did. Well, I won't. My parents don't have Internet, and they only have cell phones for phones, so I can't e-mail them, and I haven't written them a letter in ages.
You do have 'rights' mate. You have a voice, social workers are not always 'right' - at the same time, as painful as it can sometimes be when you're going through it - sometimes they are right - and life can improve.
I was forceably removed from my family at 13. Lived in foster homes/hostels (care of the state) etc until 17.
I hope it all works out in a positive way for you, sincerely. If you do have time, it may be wise to look into your 'rights' as a minor and find a way to be 'heard'. If minors are able to divorce their parents - which does happen on occasion, then logic would state that there is representation you may be able to gain, to help you as an individual in this scenario - separate from your social worker - if you so require/desire it.
I wish you all the very best of luck my fellow WP member - remember, that no matter what happens - you are special, unique and amazing - just in your being you.
Hang in there mate

Well, they are trying to teach me some independent living skills so I can be out on my own...
I know how you feel. A couple years ago, I was nearly taken away by child services because I was getting no help with anything because my mom was gone all the time. Sometimes I even went up to three days without seeing her and back when I lived in that town, things there were really bad. Since we've moved things have greatly improved and I can actually spend a little more time with my mom now and we are seeing counseling.
I'm still sad about it!

Praying for the best!
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Holy Moly, Chris -- that must have been one heck of a nasty blow... the least I can do, is to sincerely hope that they know what they're doing and this will actually turn out to be the least of a number of evils -- even though it may not look like that at the moment...
When you said:
did you get that comment as a more or less direct "answer" to some question about this whole thing? If I got that reply upon asking "Don't I have a say in the matter?" or "Who decided this?", I'd take it that they're trying to avoid giving straight and true answers to a straight question -- that they're hiding something, e.g. the fact that you might actually have a pretty big "say" according to some law they're bound by...!
In a situation like yours, I would most definitely like to know exactly what my rights are -- preferrably from someone not "tainted" with the idea that you should be taken away from your home and family -- best of all, a lawyer specializing in cases just like yours. When I was in need of a bit of legal advice "just to be sure", I found a free online service where a bunch of lawyers answer questions coming in via e-mail, all totally anonymous. If you happen to come across a similar free service working in the country or "legal district" or whatever you're in, consider dropping them a message and ask about what your rights and options are...
And remember one thing: In this day and age of internet, cell phones and other communication "gadgetry", it's going to be next to impossible for all the social workers in the World to keep you completely "disconnected" from your parents -- that choise, at least, is still yours -- not your social worker's...!
In addition to what Scramjet has posted:
Every large metropolis has a "Bar Association." (i.e., the Dallas Bar Association or the San Diego Bar Association). You could try to contact them regarding finding an attorney to help you understand your legal rights. Some attorneys offer "pro bono" services (services done for free) to help out people who can't afford an attorney and/or are being taken advantage of. You could also try to contact the Legal Aid Society (it may be named something different) in your area. They also offer pro bono services. Most of these services are mostly for evaluation and recommendation purposes. However, sometimes if an attorney is interested, he/or she may take the case and do it for free. (Not all attorneys are sharks!) One last idea, you could also look in the telephone book for attorneys who specialize in family law. Give them a call and ask them if they would meet with you for some guidance and direction. Tell them your situation and that you are trying to do what is in the best interest of yourself and your siblings. These are key words to say. Maybe they will help. Some attorneys might get scared off with dealing with a State agency, but you never know, you might find someone who has the knowledge and the compassion to help.
I would start with the Bar Association in your area because they will have the most information on obtaining help.
Good luck!
A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
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