Like many of you. I had a very difficult childhood and adolescence. I was never diagnosed and am only realising now I am 30 that I likely have AS. I became more and more depressed and lonely as I grew up feeling an outsider. I had bouts of very very intense depression and would have suicidal thoughts from at least as young as 12-13. This only got worse and worse as I got older. at about 15 i was pulling at my hair until some started coming out so I tried to stop. I also realised that digging my nails into my skin or nipping my skin tightly helped to control the tsunami of raw dispair that would sometimes consume me. This was not enough though and I still felt overpowered by these strong feelings of hopelessness. At 16 I broke apart an unused plastic razor and lightly ran the blade down a couple of cm of my upper arm. I felt all the anxiety just drain out of me. I did it a couple more times in straight controlled lines and laid back feeling more relaxed than I had in months. The depression and anxiety was so commonplace that I needed to do this regularly in order to function in my day to day life and eventually my arms were a mess of deep red cuts and scars. Many scars still remain if you look closely enough.
I gradually stopped myself doing this as I realised that it was not particularly healthy or likely to help me fit in long-term but I still maintain that if it was not for this ability to control my emotions when I felt them totally engulf me, I might not be hear today. I have relapsed a couple of times in the years since and feel quite comfortable that I have this (frowned upon) tool in my emotional tool-kit to use if things really become so back that I need to.
It may be that it is difficult to contemplate the kind of emotional tidal wave that I sometimes experienced (especially at that age) unless you have suffered from that yourself. I get the impression that some professionals who discuss cutting do not consider it to serve any purpose and is just a dirty habit to be broken. On the contrary, in my case I believe it may have saved my life. Not trying to glorify it but not selling it short either. It was what it was.
AQ46, EQ9, FQ20, SQ50
RAADS-R: 181 (Language: 9, Social: 97, Sensory/Motor: 37, Interests: 36)
Aspie Quiz: AS129, NT80
Alexithymia: 137