I hate how cruel life can be

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16 Jan 2018, 5:17 pm

Piobaire wrote:
In all of my years living on the streets, most of them in the Haight/Ashbury of San Francisco, I've never met that mythical person who makes hundreds or thousands of dollars a day pan-handling, then strolls around the corner to their car and drives home to sleep in his warm California-King bed. There's no 24/7 buffet available to the homeless, and homelessness sure as Hell isn't merely an alternative lifestyle choice, like 'urban camping' or something. These are just BS tropes people confabulate to give themselves a moral justification for their selfishness.

I think it was in Portland the news followed s guy who walked around to s bmw and drove home to his mansion.
My uncle chose to be homeless he like the homeless village didntnhave to do anything but once a month go clean some toilets. He was and could find work that paid 5,000 a month.


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16 Jan 2018, 5:23 pm

The guy I mentioned begged me for money again 4 days later, as if he had never promised me he wouldn't beg for another month. It seems he really was taking advantage of me. I am becoming more cautious now.


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16 Jan 2018, 5:46 pm

imagine a child grown old, with more adult knowledge of the world but still with a childlike level of maturity and cognitive functioning. many long-term homeless [not people dropped from the working/middle class due to job obsolescence or medical bankruptcy or kicked out of the house by their parents or schizophrenia/acute psychosis] seem to be in this camp. they don't know any better and they CAN'T know any better. I want to use a word better than "moral imbecile" but that is the only word I know, as bad as it is. what to do with these unfortunates? how to help them? I think the cheaper way would be to just give them all fingerprint-based EBT and basic shelter and medical care. the present way costs far more [housing them in jails] and is far more brutal [thousands dying on the streets each year]. gotta be a better way. it just takes the political will and an absence of ill-will. these are our fellow humans, we treat animals better than this. If they would just put a teeny tiny transaction tax on all wall street functions, that would cover it.

Last edited by auntblabby on 16 Jan 2018, 6:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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16 Jan 2018, 5:54 pm

it just takes the political will and an absence of ill-will.

Unfortunately, the dominant faction in our body politic is sadistic; they not only cut funding for programs which help the homeless; they then criminalize the wearing of blankets in public...just because they can.


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16 Jan 2018, 5:59 pm

Piobaire wrote:
it just takes the political will and an absence of ill-will.

Unfortunately, the dominant faction in our body politic is sadistic; they not only cut funding for programs which help the homeless; they then criminalize the wearing of blankets in public...just because they can.

what the GOP is about, is basically a form of piecemeal genocide. they wanna get rid of the "deadwood" and "useless eaters" which in my view is the moral equivalent of eugenics which is itself a form of proactive genocide. so when [for example] poor prisoners die in private [profit-making for GOP donors] prisons due to withheld medical care, not a peep of protest from the sanctimonious rolex and diamond set. at least the bloodyminded TPers are honest enough [or just don't give a rap about anybody looking askance at them for uttering such outrages] to openly say "let 'em die!"


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16 Jan 2018, 6:27 pm

Piobaire wrote:
May you never be so unfortunate as to learn first-hand the reality behind your BS prejudices,

If you're addressing that to redrobin62, he is homeless.


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16 Jan 2018, 10:34 pm

fifasy wrote:
The guy I mentioned begged me for money again 4 days later, as if he had never promised me he wouldn't beg for another month. It seems he really was taking advantage of me. I am becoming more cautious now.

There's no way to be sure what his actual situation is. But you can be sure you're not his only source of income.


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17 Jan 2018, 6:56 am

Piobaire wrote:
In all of my years living on the streets, most of them in the Haight/Ashbury of San Francisco, I've never met that mythical person who makes hundreds or thousands of dollars a day pan-handling, then strolls around the corner to their car and drives home to sleep in his warm California-King bed. There's no 24/7 buffet available to the homeless, and homelessness sure as Hell isn't merely an alternative lifestyle choice, like 'urban camping' or something. These are just BS tropes people confabulate to give themselves a moral justification for their selfishness.

I have.

Some of my acquaintances from the beach are homeless by choice in the Summer & spend their nights camped on the beach or in the rainforest, or kayak off to a small island with no racoons - very picturesque. Some of these people make hundreds of dollars/day working as sherpas for the licenced vendors & then selling beer/drugs all day at the beach.

My cousin was having a rough day in Vancouver and some guy selling some homeless newspaper publication offered to buy her a coffee. They got to chatting and she learned that he made about double what her minimum wage job paid.

Then there are some gifted beggars around town who undoubtedly make more than $100/day. Guaranteed. I bet a bunch of squeegee kids can make at least a hundred+ /day washing windshields at red lights, too.

During the 2010 Olympics I talked to this huge ripped dude, blind in one eye (he looked like he could be from that prison planet in the movie Pitch Black), who told tales of fighting with cops and in jail - sounded legit, too. He said he didn't bother collecting bottles himself anymore because he now acts as a broker. He told me a good bottle collector can make $200/day cash in Vancouver, but if they miss the cut off when the depot closes and they still need cash, he pays them 50 cents on the dollar, then cashes the bottles in the next day and doubles his money.

Also, with the EXORBITANT price of housing in Vancouver right now there are ever more working peopler who are homeless, living in cars etc. Some that make decent money at their day jobs - they just can't afford to make ends meet so are homeless despite their income. Or they can't find a room to rent and are sleeping on a friends couch. OR are saying F housing all together permanently and are living in a camper van/RV. etc.

Those are the ones that come to mind right now.. while definitely exceptions and not the rule, just because someone is homeless doesn't mean they don't make much money.

No :heart: for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.