Marknis wrote:
Sarahsmith wrote:
Can you move Markins? You are miserable there so you should try moving. I went to a small school in the country that was loaded with rednecks. I had no friends there and I hated it. Looking back on it I should have just made the best of it because I probably would have suffered in a larger school. Where you live theres probably no way to make the best of it though. You should put your energy into moving some place where you fit in better.
My finances and lack of a support system restrict me.
What would it take to relocate?
You say you work full time and also receive some sort of gov't benefits. Does your income leave you with anything to save at the end of the month? Where would you relocate to? How much would it cost to relocate? (For some people a short move might only cost $100, but a long distance one could include flights and visas and all sorts of expensive things.) What support system do you have where you are that you can't obtain elsewhere? (I'm guessing family vs. gov't/ASD supports.) Is it possible to live a better life w/o the family you have around you now? Could some other form of support be substituted?
If you view your geographic location as such a M A S S I V E constraint to your health & happiness, make a plan to change where you are and work towards it.. even if it costs $2500 to move and takes you 25-50 months to save up for.. it's the rest of your LIFETIME that could be better if you're not surrounded by people you despise. It's not healthy to be surrounded by people you hate & that you feel hate you. A one time moving expense could benefit you for the rest of your life more than any book, pill, or therapy ever could.
for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.