Well, i've asked my daughter if she and her boyfriend would help me measure for and install sheer panels, and she said yes. He (the boyfriend) also figured out how to install our Amazon Fire Stick, which took all of five minutes. I don't always get as much family support as I would like, but it's nice to get any at all.
The GPS tracker kind of thing is going to wait until I feel it's more appropriate. I try to intervene in ways that meet the demands of the current situation. Or put a different way, I don't intend to infantilize my husband earlier than his illness infantilizes him. He does have some insight that his mind is going. It frustrates him. But I've made it clear that I'll restrict or modify his life only in ways that seem necessary. The "least restrictive environment." It's how I would want to be treated, if the roles were reversed.
A finger in every pie.