kraftiekortie wrote:
I believe one should, at least, consider the input of others, rather than dismiss it outright.
Why wouldn’t I want you to have a girlfriend? Why would anybody think that way—unless they were nuts themselves ?
I wish you can get to know a greater variety of people. Even in the Bible Belt, there are people who are not either hip-hoppers or rednecks.
I sometimes see people that surprise me. At one of the parks in my area, I saw a cute Asian girl with a Legend of Zelda T-shirt and a Hello Kitty backpack with a boyfriend most people in the area I live in would call a "nerdy neck beard white guy". He was overweight just like I am but unlike me had facial hair and wore clothes that would be considered "juvenile". He was the opposite of what I was told to be if I wanted a girlfriend; I was told to pump iron, wear "yuppie clothes", and vote Republican. I never did the last thing but I did try to pump iron and my mother made me dress like a "yuppie" (I hate that word, btw). I am still overweight and I can't wear business clothes without feeling uncomfortable. I also once saw a gothic girl working at a shop in the mall but she had a boyfriend. The worst had to be when a cute nerdy/geeky girl turned my offer to have coffee with her down.
I do see punks, metal heads, goths, and grungers in Austin at various places but my conversations with them always fizzle out.