kraftiekortie wrote:
I just wanted to find some info that would be reassuring to you.
I wasn’t trying to be nosy.
Don't be silly, of course you wasn't being nosy, you're just trying to help and be caring like others on this forum.
I did have a little chat with my boss today about how I'm feeling, but he says that there is no sign of the depot or the company going bust because of this, and that next month they might try and run a few more buses again.
And he said that even if the airports do struggle, they will pick up again and flights will start up again even if it's not this year, they won't all completely close down forever.
So he told me that I have nothing to worry about, which is a bit of reassurance. I'm the sort of person who dwells on the past and worries about the future. It's just the way my brain is wired. The way I struggle with crossword puzzles proves I overthink things, as when a clue is so simple I sit there expecting it to be hard and thinking of all these other words other than the most simple.