Marknis wrote:
magz wrote:
I wish you to choose whatever is best for your mental health - weather it would be staying or moving on, I wish you healing and growth
I just wish those who I thought had my back would wish me well but they refuse to do so. I don’t understand it at all.
Marknis in life not everyone will wish you well, sometimes not even the friends you have made. Reasons could be: they may not know about the thread, they may be busy, they may not know what to say(something that is a common issue with people on the Spectrum), there are many reasons as to why.
Marknis wrote:
I've messaged them but they refuse to respond to me. If they don't like me anymore, then I don't like them either.
This comment isn't helping. What if they saw this? You assumed they "refuse" (as if they are SUPPOSE to respond) to respond to you without any evidence and then said if they don't like you then, you won't like them. It comes across as...petty(for lack of a better word). Just because someone doesn't respond doesn't mean they don't like you and even if they did, you don't necessarily have to dislike them for it.
My question is: Why are you asking if people want you to stay even though you stated multiple times in threads that you are unhappy here? I don't want you to leave, you seem like a nice person but, if you are miserable here than yes, I would be happy if you left not because I don't like you but because this place is making you miserable and it would be selfish of a friend to want you to stay even though they may know you are miserable here.
Autism is a disorder not a personality trait!
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference."