Scared to go out the door

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05 Jan 2021, 6:58 am

Joe90 wrote:
I'm scared to go to work because my boyfriend is vulnerable to COVID and he's so terrified of catching it and I'm terrified of catching it and giving it to him.

The virus is spreading more rapidly than ever now and it's getting worse in Essex, where I come from. Nobody wears masks at work, and I can't force them to wear masks but if I wear a mask it won't protect me, as wearing a mask doesn't protect you, only others (new fact I've learnt this year :roll: ).
And are masks really working, knowing COVID is worse than ever in Essex even though it's been mandatory to wear masks in all shops and public transport for months???

Going to work is going to be risky, and no, it's impossible for me to work from home, and I can't be furloughed unless they say so (I'm classed as a key worker anyway, my job is essential and so I am very much needed). There is one person at work who gets too close to me, which is a perfect way of passing on the virus, but if I say anything he just says I'm being too paranoid. And it's hard not to get too close to people without realising, as one of the other workers gets right in my way when we're cleaning, like she'll start to mop the floor while I'm still cleaning, but will almost knock me over with the mop as she gets so irritatingly close.
Me and my boyfriend live in a small apartment and can NOT, I repeat, NOT remain distanced from each other until he gets the vaccine (which won't be until at least April). Also he takes me to work and picks me up from work so I can't possibly stay 6 feet away in the car.

It's just that it sounds like this new strain can be passed on without even going near others, so even if I do keep my distance that still doesn't guarantee that my boyfriend is completely safe from it. But he says "if you pick it up, you'll bring it home to me and I'll inevitably get it and then I'll be dead."

I'm so scared. And people wonder why I hate China. :( :cry:

Uhh goddammit, nobody wearing masks at work and s**t....don't they know they are just making this all worse. Sorry to rage but grrr wtf. The truth is masks our our best defense, all the people refusing to wear them are just prolonging this.....we could get it under control sooner if people would freaking wear their masks to avoid spreading it...also having your own mask at least helps a little to keep you getting it. But the sooner everyone just wears their freaking mask the sooner this can be over with.

I mean to me putting on the mask is nothing, sometimes it irritates my ears a little but I'd rather have that than no mask, especially with the as*holes who still come into stores thinking they are above the mask rule. I do feel at least with my mask I may be less likely to directly inhale their germs and potential covid spreading breath. Though me and my boyfriend when we can do our best to make maskless people feel ucomfortable. Ha ha one of the lsat times we were at a gas station there was this bitchy woman not wearing a mask. And when my bf got called to the register he made a point to say he didn't want to go up till the maskless customer left and so she left in an angry huft, like he did something wrong but he just doesn't want to get covid from awful plague rat people who don't know what a mask is. And before that since she was near where I was getting my tea I gave her a look and shook my head in disapproval, I know she saw it because we made eye contact.

We won't go back.