dorkseid wrote:
I was abused sexually many times by many people growing up. I was raped in my home and in my elementary school.
I find it funny how none of the pedophiles who preyed upon me ever said to me "I like you, but as a friend", "You're really sweet, but there's just no chemistry", or any of the of the other clichés I've been told by every woman I've ever had feelings for.
If only pedophiles could have found me as repulsing and unattractive then as women do now!
But when I think about it, it makes perfect sense. We all know that women are attracted to strong men, while predators target the weak. Right?
Dude! you need to be careful how you talk about your experiences as other members might have also experienced sexual abuse may be triggered at the casual way you describe what happened to you. I realise this happened to you and you are the one to "own it" and it's none of my business how you choose to handle your life.
It was not my intention to trigger anyone. How would you suggest I discuss my own trauma?