zghost wrote:
What is the point of life?
There isn't one. Most people can't handle this, so they search for meaning.
What am I here?
Because my parents had sex.
But why?
They were probably horny.
Exception: If you reproduce, then the meaning of your life is to take care of what you made, forever.
For the record, I don't believe in any aftelife.
This is what I think, too.
I'm in something of a nihilistic tailspin at the moment and was wondering today about how much longer this is going to go on before it's all over - no more constantly trying to do the right thing and be the right person. I saw a sign on a car today which read "One Life - Live It". Yeah, yeah, but how and why, when it all comes to nothing in the end? Maybe the meaning of life lies in our relationships and interaction with other people and the differences we bring to their lives, but what if you have the social and family life of a hermit?
Not that I'm suicidal or particularly depressed, just realistic. And I need to find new things to amuse myself and lift my mood as the usual stuff isn't working. Sometimes I really wish I could switch my brain off for a while.