EvilZak wrote:
clever sarcasm is a good way to point this out.
See, Zak agrees it's sarcasm. That may not be your intention, but I GUARANTEE that is how it is being interpreted. Hence the response of her rolling her eyes at you!
You may be right in your responses, but the sarcasm, intended or not, can make people ANGRY as it is ofter taken by many as a direct insult. That may not be the intention, but that is often the interpretation, particularly with many NTs!! !
You don't seem to understand how the Hitler response is easily interpreted as going for the throat. Rather than disagree with her logic with a plain remark, you thought up an extreme example to stress your point. That doesn't make you wrong, it just means you are unintentionally insulting her. I'm just saying that you'd probably have more luck if you tried to be a little more tactful. I'm not trying insulting you here, just trying to point this out.....
Her logic is clearly silly and not well thoughtout, but it's in the way that you word your responses that will either get through to people, or make them roll there eyes and move on.
I too have a tendency to make quick remarks without much patience, and I work with a few fellow engineers who are very sarcastic, not in a funny way, and I see how many people get irritated at them because of their sarcastic responses. I think they are funny and get along with them very well. But most other do not.