Finally had almost all of them out. What a relief. I can't begin to say all the trouble my teeth have caused over my life. I grind them at night or did, set it up for no enamel and it isn't hard to figure what happened from there. Add in lack of money at times to get what needed fixed on time and...enough, you get the picture.
My dentist when I was a kid never used any kind of pain killer, none, not even novocaine. You can guess what that set me up for as far as going to a dentist. I hope there is a special place in hell for that guy. No, it wasn't the getting them out, it was getting in the car to go in the winter time and it was the anxiety of the waiting room. If they got behind schedule and had me on hold for very long, I was out the door. The actual removal wasn't bad at all, although I freak when they give me gas, I hate the feeling of non-control. So it was just novocaine, although years before they knocked me out with sodium pentathol for the wisdom teeth, that was easy, out like a light and just woke up all over with. I wish I had had them out centuries ago and I can still feel them at times, even to the point of eating something really sweet that would have had me rolling in pain before and I get a pseudo tooth ache. I miss them not. All I did for pain was aspirin, I just took two instead of my usual one and pain has to be pretty bad for me to even do one. I suppose that would vary from person to person and pain tolerance.
I was thinking it might be cool to get false teeth with braces on them. (ok so I stole this from part of a Steven Wright joke, but only partly)
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.