I am an idiot. My understimulation has made me one, anyway. MADDuck is suspicious of adverb, who is suspicious of MADDuck... username88 is suspicious of MADDuck... rexmas I don't know... adverb is coming up all alone to get me... but what if he DOES rape and kill me? MADDuck basically hung up on me twice when I talked to him on the phone today and then he ratted me out to my mother, and if he does it again I'll be seriously pissed and there will be consequences! I had to tell my mother it was probably just a rumor he heard. No, they don't know-- I wanted to avoid days or weeks of shouting, crying, pleading, etc. I just couldn't handle that emotionally; I was so understimulated already I couldn't take more negative stimulation. MADDuck basically said it was my responsibility to put up with that s**t. He even admitted that part of why he was so adamant about me not going with adverb is because he's jealous. I'm not attracted to him in that way anymore. I also think he's come to like my mother from the conversations he had with her. He even said to me once that I wold break her heart going down there when she was so excited about me starting school again and was blabbing on and on about it. "That's the old fart in me, I guess," he said. So WHAT? Adverb is going to meet them anyway.