do most people with asperger's have depression as well?

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25 Jun 2010, 4:14 am

I've had depression in the past, but it also runs in my mom's side of the family as my NT brother also had it.

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25 Jun 2010, 4:48 am

Joshandspot wrote:
or are there a fair amount of happy aspies out there?

I'm happy overall. But depression is common among the general population, not just Aspies.

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25 Jun 2010, 12:34 pm

Asp-Z wrote:
Joshandspot wrote:
or are there a fair amount of happy aspies out there?

I'm happy overall. But depression is common among the general population, not just Aspies.

The sats are something like 1 in 4 people suffer mental health problems at some point in their lives and in the vast majority cases that means depression, I don't know the figures for depression but my doctors have suggested that depressive episodes are more common in the AS community.

It was depression/suicide that gave rise to being referred to a psychiatrist and later getting my AS diagnosis. for me, the chemical cure has been wholly unsuccessful. In fact it was not till coming here and seeing that I was not alone that I have been able to experience some feeling of the joy of living.



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13 Feb 2015, 4:57 pm

I had periods when I felt depressed, even with dark thoughts. I whished to get a cancer and die. I had this thoughts since 14. My special interest was the study of oncology and I became fascinated of brain tumors. But I din't never go to a psychiatrist to seek treatment for depression. Now, I have periods of fatigue, especialy in the morning, and I feel stressed and sometimes scared, in social situation, and I have periods when I feel very happy. Now, my special interests are psychology, Bible, science and places. Last year, after I discovered the Intense World Theory, I realized that I have autistic phenotype and I went directly to a neuropsychiatrist and 3 psychologists to seek a diagnosis of an ASD, I did the ADOS module 4, and I got it.


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14 Feb 2015, 1:11 am

barbedlotus wrote:
I think we might be more prone to depression, but I don't think it's the chemical imbalance sort. It seems a lot of aspies have probs with the medications for depression (not all, there are some who have great results, but their depression probably comes from what depression medication is actually made to treat). When you think about it most the things that aspies deal with daily are the sorts of things that will irritate or depress an NT if more than one happens in a given day. The last doctor I had (the one that told my previous one where he could stick his medical degree for putting a first timer on a max dose too, man she's awesome) put it really well. Depression that is caused by your life just sucking isn't going to be helped by pills. The pills just make you notice a lot less until you notice you aren't noticing anything and that's where a lot of the medically induced suicidal thinking crops up.

I know my depression developed based on a lot of environmental factors, and my hellish public school life as a kid....But I kind of figure if you're in an unhealthy situation like that and it depresses you it can go on so long I imagine its possible to develop some kind of chemical imbalance so then even when the situation improves in various ways you're still stuck feeling like that.

Medications have varying effects, on various people, just about every anti-depressant I have tried has unpleasant side effects that would over-rule any benefit....even have tried an anti-psychotic, a mood stabilizer in addition to SSRIs and simular types. Right now I have been taking one called Remron(mirtazapine) which does not cause me any trouble, helps me sleep and mellow my over-all edginess a little and my depression hasn't been getting the better of me too much....but then sometimes it also comes in phases, I could just be in a more stable phase right now and it may have nothing to do with the medication having reduced it.

The trouble is its theorized chemical imbalance at the very least plays a role....but then they don't know what exact chemical imbalance, or if it would even be the exact same chemical imbalance for everyone with depression....I mean humans in general have their own unique genetics/body chemistry, but I think it makes sense people with disorders like autism or other conditions that set us apart would react rather differently than say neurotypicals to any given substance. It is all quite complex, hence why the mainstream one size fits all approach that is often used when it comes to mental health failing big time.

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14 Feb 2015, 1:18 am

Usagi1992 wrote:
gbollard wrote:
Depression is certainly a big part of the aspergers condition however once you recognise the depression for what it is... a symptom of the condition rather than the "real" depression itself, it's possible to go long periods without it impacting on you.

Sure, you still get depressed thoughts but at the same time you can be insanely happy.

Wow, you said it better then I could, Gavin-chan! Yes, it is so true of me...sometimes it can take days, weeks, or even months for depression to creep up on me. But I try to distract myself as much as possible by little 'diversions', like television, video games, and internet surfing.

Und remember, happiness is just a pill away! :lol:


Some pills can cause euphoria...., but happiness I am not so sure, and I have taken plenty of pills/drugs. Either way I have yet to experience being insanely happy and not having depressive thoughts penetrate my mind at all and effecting me more than I'd like....there are various things that help reduce symptoms though, but it gets annoying having to have to find something to reduce the symptoms so often. So sometimes I am stuck wondering if its even worth all the effort.

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14 Feb 2015, 1:29 am

thechadmaster wrote:
most of the time i am depressed, i do not believe in medication for AS/Depression/Etc. I just tell myself that i am NOT ALLOWED to have those feelings, plenty of people have it worse than me.

not allowed to be tired, some people cant sleep

not allowed to be depressed, some people are sleeping on the street tonight

not allowed to ________ some people need it more

and so on and so forth

I find looking at it that sort of way more harmful than helpful....the harder I try and fight or disallow that sort of thing the stronger it fights back, not to mention than I am prone to beating myself up over failing at the futile task of living up to those ridiculous standards. It saddens me thinking of people who are worse off...doesn't make me feel better about myself at all, also though cannot rationalize how someone else having a worse issue with something, in any way makes problems I have/experience less valid. It can always be said 'someone has it worse' but what does that really help? Just cannot wrap my head around the concept.

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