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25 Sep 2008, 6:21 am

I'm sorry, I don't believe you really want to kill yourself. People who really want to kill themselves don't usually talk about it. People who talk about it usually want someone to talk them out of it.

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27 Sep 2008, 2:28 am

aspiartist wrote:
MrMark wrote:
I'm watching this topic, I'm not watching that one.

It's a hugh forum. We rely extensively on the membership to report problems.

You have not been reprimanded. I said, "Public accusations of trolling are never justified." You raised the issue when you said, " may be justified to call it Trolling." and I talked about the issue. I didn't talk about you. All I have done is talk to you, about the issues.

The reason I had this impression is because so many "public accusations of trolling" are taking place all over the forums, and given this, I had no way of knowing it 'wasn't' justified if I also made such an accusation. If it isn't in the rules, can it be placed there so myself and others can at least know and refer to and remember this?

If you would like the rules ammended PM Alex or post it in the suggestions forum

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26 Nov 2008, 2:33 am

"I don't need no haven no hell but it's alright, as long as You're under my charm"... :twisted:


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03 Dec 2008, 5:37 am



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07 Feb 2009, 2:06 am

lau wrote:
As the forum title says: "For those times when you're feeling blue and need to get a little help from your friends. Discuss all those issues that are not covered by the other forums in the Coping in life category."

There has recently been an incident with a troll. I will not be mentioning the username,or any other usernames involved, but it will be trivial to work them out.

The troll joined a month ago and made a small number of posts (mostly here in The Haven) that suggested it (I'm going for non-gender) was female, and was being stalked in some unspecified manner. They subsequently suggested other problems, such as self-harm and suicide.

Some members treated it (the troll) quite cynically. When these members do this in future, there is a strong possibility that they will immediately be banned, The Haven is not the place for cynicism.

Most members acted in good faith, and provided support. These members are to be commended for their generosity.

A day ago, the troll "unmasked" itself as male and suggested it was a complete fraud. It was then fed copiously by the cynics, saying "I told you so", and some of the remaining group, who I think were rather disillusioned by the incident.

The posts from the cynics were pointless.

The posts from the supportive members were a pity, as it would have been much better to let the troll disappear without a trace (which may yet be arranged).

I would strongly urge the members that felt cheated by the troll to move on, and completely forget it. It is of no consequence, other than a small waste of your time, versus the good you do for other, genuine members.

True compassion costs nothing.

A troll, stealing your kindness, becomes poorer.

I do wonder what the troll felt it gained? I hope its actions have not resulted in any of our supportive members providing less generously of themselves, as the net result would then be that individuals in genuine need of help might receive less. Ultimately, maybe yet another person would commit suicide. I would have no qualms about laying that result squarely at the feet of the troll.

Finally, I see no problem with some lightness in The Haven, but never let that stray from laughing WITH people to laughing AT them.


The above are my personal views. I do not spend much time in The Haven, as I don't feel as capable as those I see here. I certainly see its worth, as a place where members under some pressure can vent, and receive support and constructive criticism.

I like this post -- well said.

The haven (as the name suggests) should be safe place away from the cynicism of the real world.


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14 Mar 2009, 6:48 pm

I've posted in this forum about a real-life problem that happened to me, with a woman hater just this morning. This is the second time that I've posted in The Haven in 10 months, and I get some support, but than some member has the gall to attack me, just like last year. Different year, different attacker, but the same old story. I've finally gotten myself together, after 12 hours and got up the nerve to post in The Haven, again after 10 months, and it makes me wonder if there should still be a Haven, or not. I've noticed this happening to a lot of members who post here. I've gotten a lot of support, when I was mourning the demise of the Routemaster, in 2006. I post here with a social problem, ten months apart and I've gotten attacked, both times. It makes me wonder if I should just take another break, and come back again, in a couple of months. It's almost like I have to fit into a pigeon hole to get support.

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15 Mar 2009, 6:20 pm

CockneyRebel wrote:
I've posted in this forum about a real-life problem that happened to me, with a woman hater just this morning. This is the second time that I've posted in The Haven in 10 months, and I get some support, but than some member has the gall to attack me, just like last year. Different year, different attacker, but the same old story. I've finally gotten myself together, after 12 hours and got up the nerve to post in The Haven, again after 10 months, and it makes me wonder if there should still be a Haven, or not. I've noticed this happening to a lot of members who post here. I've gotten a lot of support, when I was mourning the demise of the Routemaster, in 2006. I post here with a social problem, ten months apart and I've gotten attacked, both times. It makes me wonder if I should just take another break, and come back again, in a couple of months. It's almost like I have to fit into a pigeon hole to get support.

the only think you have to do is PM a MODERATOR. The only thing ANYONE has to do is PM a MODERATOR. We are here for you, we are not mind readers nor are we reading every post on every thread everywhere.

Do yourselves a favor, if you can write a post to complain, why not write it to someone that can DO something about it.


you only have the Haven to regain! Fight right. . . PM a MOD!!


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09 Jun 2009, 11:39 am

I like the haven because I can say how much I hate my life and wish to not exist and not get banned


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10 Aug 2009, 4:59 pm

Mr Nexus

This is the 1st time I've been on this particular forum & from what I understood I think you made your point 5 times + over. I think you meant you want the "sugar coating" & not saying it as it is to stop. I too think honesty is important but I have had friends w/ emotional problems worse than being on the AS, & with them baby steps were necessary to prevent meltdowns. I go with tell the truth but if your going to tell people to suck it up (which I think you should) I think you should also offer advice on how to do such a thing.
Ex. If someone (hypothetically) has developed social phobia to the point they won't leave their house advice them to do something like step onto your porch one day (or whatever they have), than go to their mailbox to get the mail (same or different day), than go to a store once a week, call an old friend, etc.
I know I prefer things be laid out in specific, yet simple steps & would avoid someone with such a problem going to a party or bar out of town & freaking them self back into their phobia in one shot. Moving on can be difficult b/c some people have no idea how to do so.

Hello to fellow Auties/Aspies & tolerant/understanding NT's (in my personal life outside of this site your a rarity, kudos),

p.s. I'm gonna post an issue in this forum (hopefully I'll get some advice on it) & if it doesn't count as legit, I don't care I can't tell the difference. Also, this will seem pathetic but what is a troll?

Balance is needed within the universe, can be demonstrated in most/all concepts/things. Black/White, Good/Evil, etc.
All dependent upon your own perspective in your own form of existence, so trust your own gut and live the way YOU want/need to.


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10 Aug 2009, 5:35 pm

troll 3 internet
a person who posts deliberately inflammatory messages on an internet discussion board
to post such a message

"The cordial quality of pear or plum
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25 Oct 2009, 2:06 pm

I'm glad to be hear in a most sincere manner...


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25 Oct 2009, 4:21 pm

I must have missed this person. I'm annoyed that some of you think it's funny. Suicide and self injury are real problems, and one needs to be careful with that topic. The words "disorder" and "victim", aren't used to make the terms look pretty, in my oppinion.

I think, if you want to post a joke, do so in the roleplay and games folder. I can now anticipate what I will recieve when I post about self injury one more time..... IF I do so anyway.

The idea that someone could put such things in a folder that people take seriously, just to play all sides as a joke.... :eew: :hic: Let's just say I'm not very amused either.... :x I was just thinking "How can you live with yourself?"


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26 Oct 2009, 9:40 am

This is basically my first time in this forum here on WP as, I've often been known to posts in some of the more humorous or light-hearted areas however, Personally, my choice for coming to this forum was to not only seek solace from other people with Depression but, to feel that I can post or reply to another person without fear of being seen as some sort of heretic and all.. Truthfully, I do find it rather difficult to talk or interact with people online when I'm having an episode of depression as, is the case going on at this juncture. Well, may to state for the record while here in this forum I shall try to be utmost kind,considerate,compassionate, and above all--non critical!!


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16 Feb 2010, 11:32 pm

I apologize in advance for the continuation of this disturbing topic, but I feel that I must reply. I promise it will become clearer in a moment. Also please do not misunderstand, this is not a specific response to one poster but a general reply to a very dangerous concept brought up by a poster.

Voltaire wrote:
You are missing the point, like so many others. Text on a screen cannot physically harm anyone, it's just words. Emails can be blocked/deleted, forums can be ignored; it really makes me wonder about the mental state of people who take the internet and mobile phone texting so seriously that they need to hide themselves away in a panic room or commit suicide. I was taught that sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never harm me. Is anyone throwing stones on the net? is anyone shooting through cameras like guns? No. The internet is a cyber world, a playground, and is not real. Therefore, if you feel offended by any comment or text message or email, walk away. There are more things in life than computers and mobile phones; it's a pity the younger generation hasn't woken up to this fact. If they did, then they might feel better.

Voltaire, you are indeed correct - word are harmless. Just like a drop of water, Right? Please try a little experiment for me. Lay on a flat table, over the table suspend a hose or large bag. Set the bag or hose dripping at about one drop per second. Now lay perfectly still for several hours.

Here's the thing, a drop of water will never hurt or kill you but after twenty minutes your skin under where the drops are falling will burn. After several hours the skin will begin to break down causing bruising and deeper tissue damage. Over the course of several days those innocuous little drops of harmless water can actually kill. It is the same with words, a single insult can wash off like a little drop of water - but when these drops, these words, come one after the other in quick succession over a sustained period it can cause deep psychological harm turning an otherwise healthy person into an "unbalanced" person who is capable of suicide.

Again you are correct - emails can be deleted and forums avoided. But again you are also incorrect. Once the 'Water Torture' has begun it does not require water anymore. After an hour remove the bag or hose and have someone press firmly on the same spot - the damage caused to the tissues will continue. What does this mean, well even if you don't read but delete an email the fact it has come will be like another drop, even though you don't visit a forum knowing that the person will still be posting things on there (probably about the same topic) will be like another drop. Once you start the cycle it is very hard to break. So if someone has been subjected to bullying or aggressive behaviour elsewhere and come here and are subjected to more of the same, without knowing it those posting are re-enforcing a very dangerous and harmful cycle that should be broken as soon as possible.

But here is the paradoxical thing about it - take away the bag or hose and the person pressing on the same spot and the tissue damage will still continue! The body will need to destroy and reassimilate the damaged tissue so that it able to replace it. Although many people would like to think so, the working of the mind is not that dissimilar to the body. One must “go through hell” and “keep going” (Churchill) before they can return to a healthy frame of mind. Insults, accusations, words basically, are like the drops of water on the skin. One, two, three or so are harmless but when those words are constant no matter the angle or source it will cause harm. One word/drop will wash off, hundreds will cause harm, thousands WILL kill.

To say that text/words cannot harm is to underestimate not only the power of words but the collective effects of those words. How many times in human history have great speeches polarised a nation into single purpose during war (Churchill), rallied people to civil rights causes (Martin Luther King), reduced men to tears (Vest) or changed a countries view of itself (Lincoln). Yet when these speeches are transcribed do they lose their power? No. The same applies to word designed to tear down an individual, spoken or text these words still have great power.

To address the main discussion of this post, should people be wrapped in cotton wool or exposed to the hard truths of life - the answer is both. There are two ways to teach someone that the saw will cut their hands off if they misuse it, A) show them the right way and wrong way to use it, demonstrate safely the potential safety issues and allow them to master it in a controlled manner, or B) cut their hand off. I know this is an over simplification of the situation when it comes to these sort of issues but it rather nicely illustrates the point. When it comes to delivering a hard truth one does not need to cut off the hand looking for comfort to teach a lesson.


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27 Feb 2010, 11:04 am

I find this forum to be quite useful if not serene in nature..


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07 Mar 2010, 1:30 pm

Hello IAU. Such is the way of the internet. It encourages and promotes anonymous fraud and enmity. When entering the lion's den, we must be armed not with with armor and weapons, but with awareness and wit to create the lions into pussycats. Peace be unto you IAU.

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