I go to the dentist twice a year. I brush twice a day, floss and use ACT mouthwash at night. I'm ok with the taste of toothpastes. I do have sensitive teeth though. The only things I can't stand at the dentist is the sound of the cleaning they use when brushing the teeth. The taste of the toothpaste they use at the dentists makes me gag sometimes because the taste is terrible. Some flavors are ok like chocolate mint. My dentist also uses some cleaning tool where he cleans around the teeth with baking soda and water. That isn't the greatest of feeling since I have sensitive teeth. Sometimes when they floss my teeth they press too hard and I do bleed a little. But I don't hate my dentist. I have had terrible dentists in the past that were just mean and nasty. When I was a kid I remember biting the hands of the lady who put the dental x rays in my mouth. I hated those things because you had to sit still in order for them to take a picture. I did had to take out 2 wisdom teeth (lower side). I was put to sleep because they were impacted. I was in pain for a few days, but they gave me medications which helped. There were some nights I couldn't sleep because the pain was bad, but it went away. Now when you have a cavity it's actually quick and painless for the dentist to fill in the cavity. They numb the area, and you do hear the drilling noise which can be annoying, but I personally didn't feel any pain. I had a cavity filled last year and no pain. Now in the 1990s or so getting cavity filled was painful. They feel in the cavity now with your natural teeth color. I can't stand pain at all either. But I do brush daily. That's the first thing I do in the morning. Brush my teeth. Then after dinner I brush again, floss, then use the ACT.
If you're not happy with yourself, you'll never be happy with somebody else. (Don Omar)