Who else is happy for the people that have died?
You do not want cancer. You would wish for a slow horrible death, would you? Have you ever seen what cancer does to a person? Learn to count your blessings. This is the best and warmest advice I can give you. This is the advice my mother always gave to me.
Best wishes
If I had know when I was a kid that by 40 I would have never had a decenet reltionship with a women. That I would have had 3 dates tops with a single women and it going no place, gettign the same line over and over 'I just want to be friends" or "I'm not ready for a reltionship" Then a week later getting introduced to there new BF. If I had know all that I would have happily gotten cancer and died within a year of getting it then going through the BS of living. I wish I was dead now. I'm happy for those kids and your cousin, they are no longer suffering and in a better place.
Wish I had cancer now, less painful then what I been through. Those kids would not cripple themselves to know my pain, my world. My grave stone will ready "he was a good friend, but no one wanted to take a chance to see if he would be a good lover, mate, husband. They always rejected Him."
I'm not looking for a relationship right now anyway because I KNOW its a waste of time, they will reject me. So why try? I need something that is going to be sure of.
Christ, are you like this in real life? Look, is romance that big a deal in your life. Have you nothing else to do? No interest or motivation to do things alone or simply enjoy the companionship of friends without any strings attached. And you keep saying you aren't interested but it's painfully clear that you want one badly from the pity party that your threads ensue. And how exactly would you know how good a lover, mate, husband you are? You haven't had a relationship so you wouldn't have any feedback on that. You might be a little narcisstic on that regard. And let me guess, you also hold the boyfriends of said crushes in contempt for the crime of stealing something you didn't bloody have in the first place. And I bet if you had cancer, you'd turn right around and say being alone sure beats feeling like nails are being driven into your body every single day. And why wait for cancer, just buy a gun and shoot yourself. Or find poisonous household chemicals to swallow or bludgeon your head with a nice big hammer. Fantastic cliffs to jump off in MA...
I see you are only 19. I'm 40, twice your age. I have never had a decent relationship with a women. Every womeon I have ever been interested in has rejected me. Saying they just want to be friends.
I challenge you to go through ALL YOUR LIFE knowing nothing but rejection and seeing all your friends find happiness with someone, get married, ect. and not feel the same why I do about the demons from hell that are women.
Isn't that actualy your problem for opening up to to many people then? If you open up to the wrong people all the time it's your problem, and you mate, just had bad luck, and opend up to the wrong people, and, most likly sucked : /
looks matter to nowadays....and if your so wind up about all this that your basicly suicidal, due to having been rejected by women, then thats just sad.....you're sad.....life is not about having a partner. You do what you enjoy, althou if what you enjoy is, to have a girlfriend then it's a bit of a problem, but what about stop being so emo and do something else?
So in short: Stop feeling so bad for yourself and take some actions. If it hurts oh so badly, then find somethign else to do, really : /
Just a thought.
Nope. Ever been arrested for making fun of someone elses pain that you don't know?
I have been doing stuff alone all my life. Gets old fast. As far as feedback to what I'm "doing wrong" I have AS, I can't read the feeback, what people are trying to say, ect.. When I ask the people why they don't feel the same feelings to me the way I do to them, they are not honest with me. They sugar coat it and give me some BS answer so they don't feel bad. This is even after I tell them to be honest with me because I have trouble reading people. They still are not honest with me. That shows me they have no respect for me.
No, I haven't. But something tells me if you ran the world, you would. And you'd also have a huge harem.
Using AS is a cop out in this situation. You haven't accepted responsibility for being dense, so you blame it on AS to make yourself feel like the victim. You then turn around and blame others for your own failures. So in 40 years on this planet, you have not learned a single thing. That is pathetic.
Using AS is a cop out in this situation. You haven't accepted responsibility for being dense, so you blame it on AS to make yourself feel like the victim. You then turn around and blame others for your own failures. So in 40 years on this planet, you have not learned a single thing. That is pathetic.
It's called victim complex.
looks matter to nowadays....and if your so wind up about all this that your basicly suicidal, due to having been rejected by women, then thats just sad.....you're sad.....life is not about having a partner. You do what you enjoy, althou if what you enjoy is, to have a girlfriend then it's a bit of a problem, but what about stop being so emo and do something else?
So in short: Stop feeling so bad for yourself and take some actions. If it hurts oh so badly, then find something else to do, really : /
Want to write that again so it actually makes sense?
What is it with you and NaturalTrapist? You think you are on some sort of crusade or something? I bet you think you are being really smart.
Anyone can BS stuff like ‘do something else’. Don't pretend you are you are offering him something constructive. On the off chance you do have something, you won’t articulate it.
@Ken depression can be ‘triggered’ but it is a chemical imbalance in the brain after all. It may help to avoid ‘rationalising’ thoughts that are not very rational in the first place, and step out of the emotion to see it for what it is: A feeling.
If you are really down, you can be in an irrational microcosm or bubble, isolated from logic. If you are like this and can’t think straight then I would say sleep is the best option.
There isn’t anything specifically “bad” about the obituary thing, if these are just impersonal thoughts, but really you are projecting your problems which don’t have much to do with the people who died. However, you could say it is no less absurd than the common display of empathy that is often made a song and dance out of. They are also falsely assuming they know what it is like to be “in someone’s shoes”. You don’t know about these people that died. The world mightn’t have been that cruel to them. They could have been living it large for all you know.
Some are more naturally resilient than others, but I strongly believe you can learn and acquire resilience. If you keep picking yourself off the floor, dusting yourself off, and telling yourself these are just emotions, you do eventually become numb to these hurdles. You stop thinking of them as absolute failures but rather temporary setbacks. It is a gradual and targeted thing. Of course there is regression always, and I’m a hypocrite, but I try to keep my head above water and stay positive (or at least neutral) as much as I can.
People are selfish, including you. Most want similar things and it causes disappointment sometimes. You are responding to natural desires but in your conscious mind you are converting frustration in to widespread resentment and projection. Really people are just doing what they do, and they have nothing against you. Mostly they are not thinking of you at all, if you don’t know them. Everyone is going to try to get the best deal they can (such as in relationships) according to them, and you can’t really blame them for that.
You don’t have to tolerate people who walk over you, though you shouldn’t view new people in you life as suspicious, if you really want to be around them that is. You have to give them a chance. But if they asking for unreasonable requests, then move on, they aren’t worth your time. Getting too attached will not help as you know it is a waste of time but a very easy mistake to make. You want something desperately and that will be quite apparent to people who can read that sort of thing. So I wouldn’t try to run before you can walk. I have the same learning curve you do. It is a communication and social skills difference. We don’t have the same inherent behaviours. However they are not conscious of their inherent behaviour either, which is another reason not to resent them for it. They can’t help being the way they are, just like you can’t help being the way you are. If you are learning skills that people have instinctually but aren’t aware of, that is doubly impressive.
People are no saints for sure, but neither are you. It all just about satisfying each others neurology. From your brain’s perspective, outside your conscious thoughts (which merely obscure everything), things like relationships, and much else, are really just stimuli, and it can be demonstrated that when such stimuli is presented to a subject it will indeed light up the associative parts (such as pleasure centres) of the brain on a functional scan. This is what these interactions are for, to cause a wonderful light storm in someone’s brain. That’s basically the gist of it right there. It is not cynical saying this in the slightest, it is rather beautiful actually. Whatever the relationship, be it friendship or couples or you are satisfying each other’s neurological needs though it.
The mutual thing is a learning curve. I’m working on it myself. I have come a long way, still yet to figure out long term companionship. I will get there with a positive attitude, the odds aren’t impossible.
Here comes the holy crusade....We shall cleanse this world from all sorts of parasites!! !! !
right? keep dreaming your weird RPG fantasies : /
Look, whats your problem with me being negativ? Not every single person in the world is going to come pat you on the back and give you a drink, just as there are posetiv people, who try to find the good in things, there are also negativ people who are very critic, and i'm negativ and critic over things.
Do you think life is as sweet as a candybar and expect things to be like in a fairy tale with everyone being nice to each other? It's not, life is harsh, and dosnt care about how people suffer. Ken is a nice example i would say, he has a good chunk of problems, and a good deal of them, are actualy his own fault. And he is just taking it all out on other people, his children, women, the government, docters and etc. No..... the one to blame is HIM. Like others said, he has some sort of victim complex, melo-dramatic thing going on.
Why keep falling in love with women, when he "knows" whats coming for him? And when he blames them for things anyway?
"Oh look at me, poor me, women never love me, i am all alone, whine whine"
Well if thats how it has been for him up to 40, and he talks like that, then, what IS the point in loving someone else then? What IS the point in trying at all? Cant he just focus on living with his children and having friends and try to be happy instead?
Being married, or being with a women, does not equal happiess
*points at the word 'haven'*
Let me add my own cents here. It's possible to be rejected by lots of people, even if you don't do anything bad. It can be done. Being rejected sucks, alot, and not everyone can take it as well as others. Different people can consider suicide from a number of causes. "What about the little babies that starve." Yes, they starve. Some people starve for effection from others. It's part of emotional well being, and it can effect your body also! Does Ken have to stop eating or get cancer to be valid? not to me!
Thank you for READING...
I cried at both my grandmothers' funerals a little. I was happy for them, and not sad really because I believe in heaven and certainly hell. My mom's mom died of natural causes. Her body looked nothing like her, but it was her body. My grandfather found the beauty mark that was on the right spot. Interesting, I thought. And i mean it literaly looked like someone else.
Now hey, being alone isn't all bad, imo. No kids to bust your @#% feeding. No nagging wife who cheats. Guys night out without "are you cheating"? Not as many rules and expectations of what a male husband/dad is "supposed" to be. (eg. be ritch and work your #$ off at a job where your boss is an $$ hole.) No threats of devorce because you get laied off. No phsyco inlaws.
Let me get this right... You are calling this person a whiner, and yet you and NaturaTrapist can't handle someone's depression and 'react' according to your comfort zones..... yeah interesting.
Let me get this right... You are calling this person a whiner, and yet you and NaturaTrapist can't handle someone's depression and 'react' according to your comfort zones..... yeah interesting.
We respond, and if you dont like the way we do it, your problem.
What do you want me to do? Say the world is all-happy? Or maybe even encourage him to whine more?
He blames like everything on women and His AS, that IS whining is it not? Want me to lie so you will leave me alone? Just say so then
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