gina-ghettoprincess wrote:
LOL, then they'd see it on the news and be like, "OH, THAT's what that was!"
yes and they would question my litigation claim that i was seriously offended by the sight of it considering i had detailed closeups of the action filmed as "evidence".
gina-ghettoprincess wrote:
Like in my town when there was a sofa and coffee table in the river, not just dumped, but daintily arranged like a living room. I was like, WTF? But then I saw on the news that some people put it there to protest the lack of flood defences.
i am sorry but i do not understand why someone would put their furniture in a river that is flood prone when they are scared of floods to the extent that they protest.
it is like hitting your self in the head with a hammer in a chemist (drug store) to prove you have a headache so you can be sold pain killers.
i am very sorry i have that lack of perception.
gina-ghettoprincess wrote:
I was really proud that I saw it in the real life as well as on TV, cos hardly anything newsworthy happens where I live.
it would be interesting and quite exciting to see things on the evening news that i saw with my own eyes. it has never happened yet. sydney is a large city and what i see is just the smallest details of it.
what i see will never be filmed by NT's, because i never see the action, but i see irrelevant details around the action.