laseywerecat wrote:
I am an impulsive liar. Oddly, though, I can not lie about "real" things - like if someone asks my opinion on something or if I get extra change at a store, etc. But all my life I have struggled with this weird urge to tell "stories" that are obviously false and I realize they make me look like a freak and a half. My counselor called it "fabrication."
I have struggled with it as long as I can remember - in kindergarten and first grade I talked about my cats dialing the phone and I made up this this guy named Old Man Haggard who lived in a trailer and sold trained cockroaches. In fourth grade I went through a time of faking a british accent. In middle school I gave myself made up diseases and had made up boyfriends. In high school I had this whole story about being from Canada. I told people my name was something else that wasn't my name. In junior college I told people I was related to this professor that I was not related to.
This, and depression, was the original reason I sought psychological help (which resulted in being diagnosed with Aspergers). No can yet explain to me why I tell these fabrications and can not stop. I think it may related to impulse control disorder, because I also have trichotillomania.
I don't know what trichotillomania is, but I have always made up stuff because it was
so much better than it
actually was. As long as it didn't hurt other people, I could never see the harm.
Alis volat propriis
State Motto of Oregon